The 48 Hours Which Changed the GOP Into a White Nationalist Redneck Party

Nothing has really changed in the past six years pertaining this spoiled putulant grifter… the white male GOP senators still cower in the shadow of Donald Trump….aka the Pussy Grabber.

With places like Oklahoma City in the front of the line even though the state claims to be a faith-based city/state…. it is comical at best to observe pols like Markwayne Mullin still playing the Christianity card with Trump.

What a complete farcical joke befitting the state currently ranked as the second dumbest state in the Union.

The full frontal hypocrisy is stunning to observe. It would make me suggest all churches in Oklahoma should be stripped of their tax exempt status. These aren’t genuine places of worship. What has happned in Oklahoma is that ‘churches’ are mere fronts to espouse extreme right wing dogma and register voters for their pussy grabbing Messiah.

If I’m wrong then explain to me the 48 hours of Mike Pence’s deliberation back in 2016 to separate himself fom the very scumbag man who would urge the right idiots to hang the sitting vice-president on January 6th, 2020.

Connect those dots fo me with a straight face.

You can’t.

The end.

They wanted the tax cuts. Thet wanted Suprem Court justices and federal appellate judges. They wanted tort reform and curbed limits of tort liability. They wanted Roe vs. Wade. They wanted to win a religous culture war. That’s what they wanted and they’re almost there.

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