Thunder Look Back–Aubrey Archives

I haven’t been on my blog for over a week because I was taking various pre-surgery tests last week for my first knee replacement surgery.

Good news in ….I did indeed come in seventy pounds lighter at 178 pounds for my first surgery. Bad news is …my iron and hemoglobin were a touch low so I have to wait a few weeks for those to stabilize. I learned a lot about hemoglobin this past week as per probably Mike’s Precision Water Fasting shouldn’t be done again.

But still…like I told my surgeon….seventy pounds in seven and a half months is impressive. He didn’t exactly endorse the comment.

As far as the pathetic 0-3 Thunder…I haven’t watched a single minute of any of their three premeditated losses. I did try and watch a few in one game, but caught a glimpse of the Hall of Famer Nancy Lieberman wearing black leather and chains which caused me to get up and go puke in the nearest bathroom. I’m conniced this has some correlation to my low iron rating on the blood tests.

As far as the pathetic, unwatchable Thunder….what this is ….is commercial fraud being billed as real NBA games.

Presti…I guess figures he can get away with it because he plays in the dumbest city in the NBA currently and the local media is bascially subservient as to what gets written or said about the team.

I think about Aubrey Mac and Boone here and again. He and Boone were right about natural gas and LNGs. They were just probably twenty years ahead of their time. Go figure.

I wonder how long Boone and Aubrey would tank?

Que sera.

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