Keep in mind I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton, but she just absolutely cleaned Dopey Trump’s clock tonight in the first debate. Between her subtle jabs at all of Trump’s obvious flaws as a canidate and his inability to stop sniffing like he’d sniffed a kilo of coke before the debate it was a seventh round TKO even though Melania was almost naked in the audience. This should be Kelleyanne Conway’s strategy in the second debate…namely have Melania show up totally naked so as America won’t notice what a clueless dumbass her old, rich, racist husband is.
But here’s the thing….it won’t matter to the birthers, sniffers, and the tweakers because Donald Trump is their boy hell or high water.
In my adult voting life Dopey Trump is the most abjectly unqualified presidential nominee from one of the two major parties. Even former Alabama governor George Wallace was more qualified than Dopey. But the guy still probably has a puncher’s chance and that’s squarely on America and how far the culture in this country has fallen in the past twenty years as a Democratic republic.
Note to Kelleyanne Conway: Dopey wasn’t debating Lyin’ Ted Cruz or Little Marco Rubio tonight. Have Melania show up naked for the second debate.