Does Donald Trump Become the Defacto DTIYD Nominee in New Hampshire?

I used to actually be a Republican from 1976-2000. But I have no idea what the GOP has become. It’s certainly not the Grand Old Party of Lincoln. It’s not the party of Teddy Roosevelt as well. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and Bush 41 or 43 wouldn’t get up on a stage with this rogue grifter.

Let me intercede at this point explaining the acronymn above….DTIYD. It’s my way of phrasing what the Republican Party has become.

Donald Trump Is Your Daddy = this version of the GOP.

And there is some ironic humor in this thinking….dating back to the 2016 campaign when Trump trolled the collection of then GOP weak asses by the names of Little Marco Rubio, Lyin Dead Cruz, Sissy Lindsey Graham, and whatever he called Jeb Bush or the others.

What a joke then. And what a joke now as only Nikki Haley has shown the gumption to even hang with Trump beyond Iowa.

Donald Trump has this much right about the GOP….it is mostly a collection of white pussies who as a group have displayed historical cowardice in 2016, in 2021 after the Insurrection, and now. It is a party of cowards which still allow themselves to be defined and bullied by a has been reality television star.

What the party has become is a party for white people who want to go back to the days of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. A day when America was whiter and less confusing. Less woke. Less lit. Less diverse.

A group of people who this day still believe it was a Deep State conspiracy by Antifa which caused the death of five human beings and the almost insurrection of the greatest democracy in history because the petulant brat Donald Trump couldn’t live with the fact he lost to Joe Biden.

Is Joe Biden too old?

Of course he is. But I’d vote for a dead body or my neighbor’s German Shepard ‘Harley’ before I’d vote for Donald Trump.

So on this very high bar which Michelle Obama challenged me to observe…maybe Nikki Haley will pull off a miracle tomorrow night and give me some hope for our democracy moving forward.



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