Not yet he doesn’t. But if he goes to Georgia, campaigns for the two Dem senate candidates, and they win…he’ll have a mandate.
Where Joe Biden is right now is where Jimmy Carter was in 1976 when he defeated Gerald Ford. Carter’s win was more of a reflection of the nation’s distaste of the Nixon pardon than it was an endorsment of Carter.
Same thing in 2020. Joe Biden is the paragon of Democratic centrism. This wasn’t a vote for Bernie Sanders or Eliabeth Warren. In fact–it was a check of Sanders and Warren while getting rid of the orange grifter punk POTUS.
The election we just had was a reflection of what the country thinks about Donald Trump, not necessarily what the middle centrist lane of America thinks about Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham who both easily won their Senate seats for another six years.
If the GOP wins both senate seats in Georgia then in essence Mitch McConnell is POTUS for another four years while Joe Biden at some point will be battered by both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for the duration of his presidency. Much like the dynamic which evolved between Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy during Carter’s one term presidency.
McConnell, plus the remaining Koch brother, the Heritage Foundation, and the GOP in general didn’t need Donald Trump any more. They got their tax cuts and deregulation. They got their three Supreme Court appointments right off the Federalists Society wish list, and they actually won back some seats in the House from the mid-term Trump enduced losses.
Don’t think for a second the people who own both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren’t ready to get rid of the Fox village idiot Donald Trump.
Let’s put it this way…Mitch McConnell has a current net worth of $440 million dollars while Bernie Sanders has a net worth of three million dollars. Tell me where the true lobbying power is going to come from in Georgia.
This is all about Georgia right now. It’s about Georgia, power, and money.
This is the real presidential election….Joe Biden vs. Mitch McConnell and the remaining Koch brother’s vision of Milton Friedman’s Darwinian laissez-faire free market doctrines.. The blathering orange fool Trump with his sidekick Rudy G will continue to be Fox Network’s rating stars as evidenced by the disgraceful performance both Trump and Maria Baritiromo gave this Sunday morning.
But as far as Joe Biden having a clear mandate…we don’t know yet. We know this though…in all Senate matters which will really matter….Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski will be with Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham for the most part.
So if I were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren I’d focus on winning Georgia and not be too consumed with the construction of Joe Biden’s cabinet.