President Day Thank You To Barack Obama

For the past thirty-six months I’ve been somewhat conflicted on President’s Day. I know there aren’t many white guys in Oklahoma feeling like this today, but at least there was me. Because in these last three years I now fully realize how much I miss having a POTUS I respect and admire as a husband, a father, and a man.

As far as Trump’s economy…it’s the one he inherited from Barack Obama as this market continues its eleventh year for the longest bull market of any in history.

During Obama’s 96 months in the White House the S&P index rose from 7,550 to 19,827 for a net gain of 166%. Unemployment dropped from just below 9.8% to 4.8% in these same eight years. In all, 11.6 million new jobs were created.

Those without health insurance dropped 15.2 million in numbers, but with some higher rates as Mitch McConnell sat on the plan and didn’t allow the needed tweaks.

Oil production of all things even without Scott Pruitt running the EPA rose 77% making the United States the largest crude producer in the world under Obama. Funny…..Inhofe and Lankford never share this stat with their constituents in Oklahoma. Meanwhile… dirty coal production dropped by 30%. Auto emissions were down by 11%.

There were no 28 billion dollar bailouts required to bail out our farmers from our own president’s undisciplined trade treaties. But there was a bailout of the auto industry while later under Obama’s call Leon Panetta ordered our bravest men to kill Osama bin Laden.

You would never know it from what Birther Donald Trump has said to his cult followers, but during Obama’s eight years unauthorized illegal immigration dropped by 6%.

There were things called the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear Deal, and the understanding with our allies in NATO that the Marshall Plan wasn’t a deep state myth propagated on MSNBC by Lawrence O’Donnell. Instead it was the most thought out successful plan which kept the world from initiating World War III for three-quarters of a century.

To date an Access Hollywood video hasn’t surfaced with Obama bragging about grabbing pussy whenever he felt the need. Or with Obama as president enduring the acute embarrassment of having a POTUS who’s skill set looked more in line with that of a sketchy owner of a strip bar versus that of the leader the world’s greatest democracy.

America was clearly viewed as the leader of the free world in which federal judges and lawyers from all over the country didn’t have to sign petitions to give the president a primer in appropriate American legal conduct by a sitting president.

We never dreamed there would be a president coming who would make Richard Nixon seem almost acceptable.

There wasn’t a Stormy Daniels or any playboy bunnies or Paul Manaforts , Michael Cohens, or Roger Stones… just Michelle, their two daughters, plus Michelle’s mother.

There weren’t any impeachment hearings.

There was just President Barack Obama…the leader of the free world growing into the role.

What a quaint time in history those eight years were in historical hindsight.

If you watch the farewell video above you’ll observe search and frisker Michael Bloomberg sitting next to Joe Biden at the Obama’s table.

2 thoughts on “President Day Thank You To Barack Obama”

  1. Mike,
    Thank you for sharing the video, I missed it at the time and it was so wonderful. I miss him so much. I would even welcome a return to Bush 43 at this point.


    1. Bush 43 is the one person who has grown the most in historical stature following the trauma of the Trump presidency. I loved the book ’41’ he wrote in honor of his father. I read just after my father was diagnosed with cancer and it touched me. It showed me 41 has a heart and some humility. Oh, boy…Trump versus Bernie. Tell me with a straight face Jerry Springer vs. Howard Stern wouldn’t be a more noble set of candidates. Good lord.

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