Trump Asked to Pardon Exotic Joe At Coronavirus Presser

This is the state of our Union as a reporter asks Donald Trump if he would consider a pardon of Crazy Joe Exotic from his twenty-two year sentence in federal prison.

Only in using Oklahoma as his home base could this person have run for president as a Libertarian in 2016 and then for governor of Oklahoma as a Republican in 2018.

Just stunning. Absolutely stunning how the state of Oklahoma seems determined to proclaim itself as the stand alone winner of the Dumbest State in the Union winner.

Upon reflection it is truly amazing David Stern and the NBA Board of Governors granted an NBA franchise to be placed inside the boundaries of the state of Oklahoma. Charles Barkley was spot on.

It’s just so sad because the people in Oklahoma City worked extremely hard thru the MAPS improvements to change the image of the city and state—and yet here is the dimwit Joe Exotic drawing all this Netflix world attention to the cultural abyss which is Oklahoma.

And here’s what’s even sadder… Mary Fallin–the governor of Oklahoma from 2010 thru 2018 really wasn’t even that much of a cut above Crazy Joe Exotic. I mean, I sit here and I’m not totally convinced he wouldn’t have been a better governor than her in hindsight.

She left office with a 19% approval rating which I believe in the history of the U.S. is the lowest rating ever for an exiting governor from any state. Even better—she had her daughter living in a mobile home which was placed near the governor’s mansion if I remember correctly.

To this day I cannot figure out how Love Judge Roy in Alabama did not end up in Oklahoma as the Luv Gov.

I have come to this conclusion…it’s Oklahoma vs. Alabama in the national finals for the distinction of being the Dumbest State in America.

Go ahead and pardon him, Trump. What could it hurt…really?

Saudis, Russia Agree to Oil Production Cut

I hope when someone stumbles upon my blog they get to choose between a variety of topics Oklahoma related…not just on the Thunder. I do my blog in this manner because Oklahoma is such an unusual market for a major league sports franchise…and of course there’s no viable city newspaper in play any longer. I love Tramel, but one writer does not make a paper whole. It takes a group of writers with a joint passion and somewhat of a chip on their shoulders.

This oil production cut occurred last Thursday, but I didn’t want to post it because it was Easter week on my blog and unlike the Christian evangelicals… I was actually trying to cleanse myself somewhat and not be overly secular.

This cut is okay, but the basic play is still there’s way too much oil at the storage hubs to facilitate the prices staying up long as there’s no real increased consumption in play moving forward. Oil is still a net negative commodity.

This is just a first step in restoring the stabilization of oil.

Carole Baskin vs. Crazy Joe Exotic


This story only could have taken place in Oklahoma.

I wasn’t even going to watch this Netflix film, but then Smerconish featured it on his show and I thought why not.

Incredible is how I would describe this yarn about these three exotic animal parks in the southern U.S. Incredible this film could garner such fame, but I guess it reflects on what we’ve become and who we are.

I watched this film and then watched the new ending addition which featured some interviews with the principals after this became a national smash hit. Some of these people who worked for Crazy Joe Exotic actually seemed like somewhat decent guys who cared about the animals. But some of these other dudes…whoa. I mean, whoa.

An irony for me was that this Carole Baskin character reminded me somewhat of the heavy-handed female moderator on the Daily Thunder message board who banned me for life for making some honest comments as to the blog’s level of writing. Good thing I got away from that board before I ended up like Joe Exotic.

I can’t or don’t remember Sam Anderson writing about Joe Exotic in his book Boom Town, but in reality this story pretty much nails it on the unparalleled stupidity which Oklahoma wears on its collective sleeve like a badge of honor at times. Bolt that Little Carole Baskin.

I have to admit this was a helluva yarn though, almost beyond belief as the story unravels on film. I might put up a video tomorrow of Crazy Joe Exotic doing a television interview in Oklahoma City after running for president and governor.

Only in bat-fuck crazy Oklahoma could this have happened.

But here’s the thing..if I had to choose between Crazy Joe Exotic and Mary Fallin—I’d probably take Crazy Joe if for no other reason than entertainment value.

Easter Wind Down

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Some very crazy weather these past twenty-four hours in Deer Creek. Be safe and get thru this intact.

This is the final scene from my very positive Easter week of blogging. I love this scene. I pretend it’s Pauli ‘my’ diva lab spying me from the back of our land after slaying the mountain lion we’ve been stalking for five years.

Our eyes meet. We run towards one another and she tells my of how she killed the mountain lion to protect me. We will rule the forest forever.

The end.

Have a nice week.

Tiger’s Historic Final Round to Win 5th Masters

What a magnificent day it was last April 14th. Of course, there won’t be a Masters this April given Trump’s abysmal handling of the coronavirus. But for today this will have to make do as Tiger won’t be able to defend his championship until November.

And for good measure we’ll never have to listen to Traber’s non-stop chirping of things Tiger related any longer.

Augusta National isn’t a gaudy whoreish course like most of those which Trump owns minus the one in Scotland. There is an innate beauty to the natural lay of the course with nature which makes just walking the course an adventure in and of itself.

Maybe sometime in the next few weeks… I’ll feature a video showing the courses which Trump owns in America. Which of course I’m sure many of the lower economic whites who attend his rallies are members of in droves throughout the U.S. That was a bit of Easter snark. Couldn’t help it. I shouldn’t do that on Easter. But the big, fat, stupid, orange slob along with the Daily Thunder message board brings out the worst in me.

Be safe.

I’ll do better the rest of the day.

Smerconish Saturday

No politics this week. We’re all just trying to heal and find grace in our own manner. Trying to go that extra inch to try and keep it together for those in our lives we care about this most.

It’s tough no doubt. But we all have to collectively do our best and appreciate the truly heroic work our doctors and nurses are doing throughout our country on Easter week-end.

I love this Carole King song. This is kind of a different rendition from Lady Gaga.

Cherish your friends and loved ones.

Dogs and cats as well.

Happy Easter Weekend

As we all search for some personal linings of inner peace during these surreal times I find myself thinking of this song. So I’d like to post this iconic classic on my blog. This song since I was a little kid somewhat calms me in trying times.

I close my eyes and imagine myself floating weightlessly above the clouds. No thoughts of angst or any human troubles which seem to tie us all down at various times in our lives in our human journeys.

We’re all on the same journey on the same boat whether we realize it or not. We truly are and none of us are immune from the potholes along the way. We may think we are, but we’re really not if you close your eyes and think all of this thru.

Hope you have a Happy Easter and be safe.

The Masters Rescheduled For November

The PGA announced this week a revised schedule for The Masters, the PGA Championship, and the U.S. Open.

The Masters normally would be taking place this week with the championship round concluding on Sunday. But with the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world this all changed.

The revised schedule for America’s three major tour golf championships now reads:

PGA Championship: August 6-9

U.S. Open Championship: September 17-20

The Masters: November 12-15

This is the first we’ve seen of any rescheduling of major sports events since the NBA in of all places started in Oklahoma City to halt sporting events throughout the country. This is incredible in itself that as of today Oklahoma ranks in dead last of the fifty states in tests administered.

But anyway… I’m happy to see we’ll get to have a Masters in November and it will be interesting to see the course with fall color instead of the normal early spring color.

I think this Sunday…I’ll be at home cooking steaks and watching the last round of Tiger’s emotional championship round from last April.

The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis

When this book came out I posted a book tour stop by Michael Lewis discussing his most recent of nineteen books.

This book is basically about the U.S. federal government and its various departments as to what each is doing for the citizens of America.

It turns out…we need some of these levels of government to deal with certain big scale problems in our country.

The book goes thru each agency and how Donald Trump reduced each level of government under his watch.

This would make for a very relevant read as we see America struggle with the handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Bill Withers Passes at 81

Hated to hear of the passing of Bill Withers. This definitely needs to be on my blog this week-end. I hope people while being limited on their social exposures are taking this time to read, watch movies, listen to music, meditate…and just basically look within themselves for a sense of self introspection on how all of us seek to find inner peace.

The Greeks said ‘know thy inner self’. I hope during these next few weeks Americans from coast to coast take the time to discover what their inner self really is as a country at the end of the day.

Should we just be about money? Should we be about talking down to everyone around us? Should we be about mocking others who for what ever reasons have struggled walking through the door of the American Dream? Should it just be about ourselves and no one else? Do we ignore the basic premise of the Golden Rule?

Because at the end of the day we’re all on the same boat as Americans. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Barack Obama, even Donald Trump, Joe Exotic, Mr. Pillow, Mike Gundy, Jim Traber, you, me….. we’re all on the same boat.

At the end of this journey we’re not judged by our monetary net worth, but more by our human dignity net worth.

Did we have a positive impact on our little corner of the world?

Be safe, ignore everything Donald Trump says and does…and together let’s Make America Great Again.

God bless America.

Have a nice Sunday.