Baylor’s Ken Starr Joins Trump Legal Dream Team

Can you believe these people? It never stops. The sirens of hypocrisy which at times are heard by some of us at times are never heard by these members of the evangelical right. I’ve come to this conclusion in regards to our country…Isis nor climate change are the greatest threats to the United States–the evangelical right very well could be the primary threat.

It leaves me literally ‘almost’ speechless.

I was never enamored with what Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky did with his dick…so there’s no reason for me feign any interest in that regard now. I voted for 41 and almost voted for Perot…but not because of what Clinton did or didn’t do with Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, or Monica Lewinsky.

I just didn’t think he had the maturity to be president. I guess I was right, but I’ve never held it against Clinton later in life as he with Bush 41 did so many good deeds in life after the White House. In a sense, they both did far greater things after serving in the White House.

But should we have expected anything else from Donald Trump?

You know why Ken Starr ignored the rapes? Because they were perpetrated by program game changer level football players. You know what those players did for Baylor other than winning football games? They helped Ken Star and his regents raise record setting amounts of money never seen before in the coffers of little Baptist Baylor University.

So it makes perfect sense Ken Starr should be a member of Donald Trump’s Dream Legal Team because in the end pond scum begats pond scum.

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