‘Fight Where The Fights Are’–Election 2020

My official 2020 campaign coverage starts today in New Hampshire with the first legitimate primary of the season. In reality–this fall’s Electoral College map has already been colored in around thirty-five states or so.

To quote former GOP operative Rick Wilson, “Fight where the fights are.” Don’t waste your time in states you have no chance in winning.

There’s no need for Donald Trump to campaign in California, New York, and Massachusetts.

Likewise—there’s no chance of Michael Bloomberg winning states like Oklahoma, West Virginia, or Alabama. Sorry Doug Jones…what you did was courageous, but you just became an ex-member of the Unites States Senate.

New Hampshire though with only four Electoral College votes… I think could go either way in November.

Of course in tonight’s New Hampshire primary the Dems have an openly married gay man opposing an advocate of the National Socialist Party for the win in this primary.

Call me cynical if you might, but I don’t really think that’s the winning ticket to defeating an incumbent president with a good economy.

It’s not that I have anything against openly gay people or National Socialists per se…it’s just that I think maybe this time the Democratic Party should at least give itself a puncher’s chance of removing Donald Trump from the White House.

Let’s circle this in red for the time being, no Democratic candidate will win the White House unless they get the African-American vote behind them in full force in cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia to name several. This is square one of fighting the fight where it needs to be fought regardless of what Hillary Clinton and Robbie Mook did in 2016.

In the most recent poll it is Michael Bloomberg eviscerating Joe Biden’s popularity with the black vote. It’s not Pete B or the National Socialist. It’s Michael Bloomberg in spite of the stop and search policy he embraced in NYC as mayor.

Even in godforsaken racist Oklahoma…I was amazed at the number of young and old blacks standing with me in the long line to get inside the building at the Bloomberg rally in OKC.

Remember now…I’m black myself moving forward. I do this because I’d be embarrassed to ever publicly admit I was a clueless white peckerhead who voted for Donald Trump and wasn’t even smart enough to vote in my own self interest.

You know… like caring about pre-existing conditions, Social Security, and Medicare. But of course we all know real Trump purists in Oklahoma who aren’t RINO’s in spirit never take part or care about such things or programs. As true Darwinian fiscal conservatives they don’t participate in receiving any of these benefits. They give the money back to the U.S Treasury.

That was sarcasm.

Anyway… Iowa doesn’t matter. It’s a predominantly white state which with two senators like Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst will go for Trump even though their farmers were shredded by Trump’s trade deals. But of course, these Darwinians will accept their portion of the $28 billion farm assistance welfare offered to them by Donald Trump, Lawrence Kudlow, and Peter Navarro.

But enough of me bashing white people on my blog. I’m becoming a racist.

Let’s see who takes Joe Biden’s votes in New Hampshire for the time being.

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