Michael Jordan on Racism in America

Rise above it.


There’s always going to be racism in this country. It should get better after this generation which spawned Donald Trump has left this earth. But there will always be bigots.

You cannot allow yourself to be dragged down by ignorant white people or ignorant people of any color.

Rise above it.

If you have to compete within yourself and your inner circle of friends who see the world as you do… then so be it.

But firstmost…be true to your core beliefs. This doesn’t mean you just wilt and always turn the other cheek. But be true to yourself.

As Sidney Poitier said in that epic scene from Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, ” Dad, you see yourself as a colored man. I see myself as a man.”

It may be unfair, but black people have to be better. Sports and entertainment have both been venues where this has happened in a great way. Obama took it to a new level as a two term president. But look what happened in his aftermath.

The country elected an openly racist ignorant reality television star. Go figure.

These white people elected a man Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, John McCain, and Mitt Romney would or do think is an utter joke and a pathetic human. But this is where the country is at this specific place in time.

I think he’s a pathetic human. My father would have found Donald Trump to be a pathetic human. My father’s law partners would have found Trump to be pathetic.

My mother can’t stand the human Donald Trump. Any person who in any way lives the Golden Rule can’t stand Donald Trump.

But you cannot allow yourself to be defined by a person like this president.

Be better. Be smarter, Be tougher. Be better parents. Redefine the next generation of Americans.

But most of all…rise above it.

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