GOP Finally Starts Shedding Away From Worst POTUS In American History

Inside the Night President Obama Took On Donald Trump | The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE – YouTube

Historically what we’ll never know is if Trump would have run for president if President Barack Obama hadn’t humiliated him in front of the world during the D.C. Correspondents Dinner.

At some point…Obama had no choice. Trump kept going nonstop with the Birther bullshit. It’s embarrassing these people who call themselves the Trump base operate at such a low level, but at some point you have to draw a line in the sand.

Barack Obama drew a line in the sand and did the unthinkable to older, white America…he as a black man stood up in public in front of the world and spoke his mind. You don’t do that to that to the portions of white America who still live with the Jim Crow mentality. You just don’t do it.

I thought it was fine. I thought Obama should have gone even further. This is what should have happened to Donald Trump back when he was in high school…instead of being completely spoiled by his father. We all have to be put in our place at some time. Humility isn’t a bad thing.

So yesterday Attorney General Bill Barr finally decided he’d disgraced himself enough working for this piece of trash to a point he clouldn’t go any further and quit. Do any of you Trump supporters at this point acknowledge a repeat pattern here or is this just more fake news and deep state?

McConnell and some other GOP senators finally admitted Trump lost the election fair and square. In places like Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana…I’m not sure it will never be admitted Barack Obama is a legal citizen and that Trump lost this election.

This is the America we live in and have lived in for over 240 years.

Nothing has really changed in America in this regard.

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