Lindsey Graham On the State of the GOP

I have to admit–I used to be a registered Republican. But then—as I was seeing the first hints of the party becoming what it is now, I changed my registration to Independent. I’m not an ideologue. I don’t feel like I’m asking for all that much. Just someone adult, honest, and qualified who doesn’t want to drastically modify the constitution or build big tall walls would be fine with me. I like John Kasich. I think he meets my standards, yet I know he stands as much of a chance as winning the White House as this Thunder team does of winning the O’Brien Trophy.

Maybe on Saturday morning –I’ll post the highlights of the dumpster fire GOP debate from Houston last night. All that was missing was Nero fiddling and Bristol Palin addressing the nation. Yet there was John Kasich all by himself actually answering policy questions which in no way means anything to anybody in the GOP obviously.

Looks like Lindsey Graham had too much to drink at a GOP roast, but he did make me smile and for a moment forget the Vegas odds stacked against John Kasich and a Thunder team which doesn’t play defense.

And, yes, Lindsey, your party has gone batshit crazy.


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