Trump, Hillary Breeze Thru Super Tuesday

Can’t be much of a surprise at this point because it matters none what Donald J Trump says or does—he’s going to be the GOP presidential candidate unless the party establishment steals it from him behind closed doors in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention.

And you know what—these people are getting exactly what deserve because these are the same people who eight years ago had no problem whatsoever with Sarah Palin being one massive heart attack away from the presidency.


It’s really sad because here we are not even to the conventions and the American citizenry will have gridlock for another four years regardless of if they vote for Hillary or Trump on election day.

Ryan and McConnell have already been informed by King Donald J IV he considers their constitutional roles trivial and meaningless. And if voters opt away from King Donald they’ve got four years of the GOP-Hillary hate we’ve already witnessed ad nauseum.

Kasich makes no sense whatsoever to the voting masses because he’s actually qualified and probably would do a pretty good job of dealing with the clusterf–k in Washington DC. But you can’t really go that direction because CNN, MSNBC, and Fox viewers would become bored with some degree of competence in the White House.

Cruz is too extreme. Bubble Boy is a lightweight. We have no idea what Ben Carson is actually trying to say, and even though Bernie Sanders is a lovely man—America the Reality TV Show couldn’t handle being Sweden or Denmark for a week before impeachment proceedings started.

It’s so bad—Lindsey Graham is now thinking of endorsing Ted Cruz while Chris Christie stands behind Donald Trump looking like a heavier version of Sarah Palin.

Pretty sad.

In retrospect–I guess we can only hope when President Trump builds his wall he allows those of us who want the freedom to move to Mexico the ability to go south thru his wall.



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