The Marshall Plan and a Preface to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

I’m not even sure if history like this is still allowed to be taught in Oklahoma, parts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

You’ll notice I didn’t include Florida, Georgia, or South Carolina on my rant list. That’s because in those three states I think you can still find a reasonable amount of people who can engage in a meaningful discussion as to how the United States became both the largest economy and the most powerful military force in the world from the end of WWII to the present.

Trump has never discussed the Marshall Plan at one of his rallies or on a GOP debate stage because it in no way plays into his plan of dumbing down at the minimum one-half of America’s entitled and lazy white population who aren’t smart enough to vote in behalf of their own economic interest.

This is why eighty per-cent of the whites who voted for Trump will do so again in 2024…maybe more. That being, they’re too transfixed on Birtherism, racism, and guns rights to vote in their own economic long-term self-interest.

Put this in perspective in the form of a trivia question. What are the three most banned books by local school boards in the southern states?

The answer would be… 1 To Kill a Mockingbird, 2 The Diary of Anne Frank, and 3 1984 by George Orwell.

My old American Lit teacher Juanita Elijah assigned all three of these books as mandatory reading back in 1974 at John Marshall High School.

I guess the question now in relation to Putin isn’t if he takes Ukraine back, but whether he decides to go beyond and into Poland.

I don’t think this will happen though more because of China than Putin’s desire to do so.

We’ll see.

From Putin’s eyes how can he not visualize America on January 6th with the Trump-Proud Boy rabble invasion and the fact that in the time since the USA cannot even get a voting rights bill passed like LBJ did in 1965.

From a geo-political standpoint this will be fascinating to witness, but not so fascinating for the Ukranian people.

Pray for the Ukranian people.

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