Putin Toying with the West is My Take So Far, Op-Ed

Say what you want about Putin, but the truth of the matter is he knows how weak and feeble the United States has become in these last five to six years.

He witnessed firsthand the election of a poser reality television pretender to the American presidency. He… Putin was personally coddled by the orange buffoon in real time. He witnessed the orange buffoon coddle up to the dictator fanboy in North Korea. He saw the orange buffoon ovulate when near the strong man dictator in Turkey.

Putin is laughing at America right now as I write my Op-Ed on my modest little underground blog.

Putin…much more than the average GOP member of the House knows how weak and divided the Americans have become. He is counting on monetizing this cultural weakness into Russian assets.

In America’s last election he witnessed the outgoing president order a coup against this own country’s government. He witnessed a complete disaster of the American political transition of power.

Putin observed an American presidential inauguration in which D.C. was surrounded by barbed wire and troops.

Third world country, much?

Do you think Putin hasn’t been calculating this since January 6th?

Keep reading it gets better.

Putin then witnessed an impeachment trial where all of this was on film and yet the orange buffoon not only walked, but is currently the Vegas favorite to win back the White House in 2024.

So…in closing let me say this to the Trump Christian evangelical patriots the video above is for you. Because Putin and I have this one thought in common…. neither of us take you very seriously at this juncture in American history.

Do any of you really think the average American is going to take the high road of individual character with double digit inflation and doubled gas prices at the pump?

Do you really think the average American minus those still living from the WWII era understand the meaning of the words sacrifice, liberty, and freedom?

Other than the immediate first weeks following 9/11 when have these traits been exhibited by Americans other than those who serve bravely in our military.

This has become a country which can’t even persuade its own citizens to get a vaccination as if for nothing else a human courtesy to those who work in hospitals and other venues of health care.

Wish I was wrong.

Good luck with all of this Joe Biden.

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