Is It Historically Fair to Compare Sean Hannity and the Fox Nazis to the Josef Goebbels’ Propaganda Machine?

Oh, look, Donald Trump’s favorite tyrannical dictator just invaded Ukraine without any provocation.

Gosh, what Trump mindless clueless f–king simpleton living in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi in Oklahoma or Alabama couldn’t have seen this one coming?

Silver lining take from Oklahoma though is that we’re at least now in the SEC and with the people we should be standing with from a cultural standpoint of worldly culture and polish.

A Trump Rally in Baton Rouge is quickly moving up into my top five on my Bucket List.

Yeah, pretty much a day of infamy for the United States and the rest of the Democratic world…again.

But not nearly as black a day as January 6th circa 2020. That’s the day America as we thought we knew it somewhat died as a democratic Republic.

Everything beyond that day is like a piling on penalty in football when you hit the ballcarrier when he’s already laying on the ground from a targeting hit to the head.

Gosh…who would have thought Donald Trump and Nikki Haley would be on Fox the very night Putin and his thugs started the bombing in multiple Ukranian cities.

You would have had to be the Amazing f–king Carnac to call that on your very own little obscure blog in Deer Creek, Oklahoma.

If you’re reading this and you do indeed live in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama…that was sarcasm.

Are we headed for WW III?

Could be. Because there’s this thing called Article 5 or Section 5 from our NATO agreement or something like it which will require us to stand with Poland, Lativia, Lithuania, and Estonia if Putin… who is the man Donald Trump always wanted to grow up and be… invades one of these NATO member nations.

Right from the Hitler playbook at the beginning of WW II when Hitler started a world war in 1933 because he felt the penalties too harsh from the treaty which ended WW I.

Is it fair of me to compare Hannity and the Fox Zombies to Josef Goebbels?

It wouldn’t be fair if January 6th had never happened and these very ‘humans’ who gave cover to our own version of Little Donald Hitler hadn’t disgraced themselves to this degree.

Yeah…I think it’s time to call these people out even if they’re family members or are on the cusp of becoming ex-friends at this point.

You know why it would be okay?

Because Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D Eisenhower, LBJ, Ronald Reagan, and Bush 41 would all be in agreement for calling these people out for what they’ve become at this juncture in American history.

It would be the American thing to do.

Sean Hannity, Nikki Haley, and Cupcake Lindsey Graham….I’m calling you out. Either grow up or go home.

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