Russian Major Oil & Gas Companies Down 95% in Market Cap Equity

Let’s tackle this in a different manner since this is in essence an Oklahoma City Thunder underground blog.

I used the phrase market cap in my previous post in relation to both Devon and Continental which are both Oklahoma City based companies.

Both of these companies are trending at 52 week-high market values. What is market cap value? It’s the current price of the stock times total shares.

To put that in perspective as of right now Devon’s equity valuation is $ 40 billion while Continental’s is at $ 21.5 billion.

As of closing today on the London Stock Exchange where quite a few Russian stocks used to be traded…major Russian oil and gas companies have lost 95% of their market equity in the past week. This translates into an equity loss of $190 billion dollars. Add to the fact the ruble has been virtually decimated.

Now…I know its Oklahoma. I understand you Trump people aren’t the most sharpened pencils in the jar. Like Michelle Obama…I’m trying to go high with you people, so you don’t embarrass yourselves in public like the Barbie Twins do every single day they open their mouths. I could care less what you say or do in the privacies of your homes and strip bars. Again…I’m a social liberal. None of that is my business.

So… instead of embarrassing all of us…just click on the blog here if you need some helpful positive guidance as we as a country navigate how we best as a country can help the Ukrainians get through this nightmarish ordeal.

Thank you.

God bless, America and Ukraine.

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