John McCain on Putin, 2014

Of course, Trump would never consider John McCain as a reliable source because John McCain was a POW who actually was captured, thus the acronym POW.

Perhaps, if John McCain had dodged serving his country after his daddy wrote a letter claiming a bunion disability…Trump could be more on the same plane of human existence.

The thing which makes all of these Trump supporters so pathetic is that their angst isn’t just focused on liberal coastal elites, but much pretty much everyone on every American political prism minus the MAGA Proud Boy types.

In a real court of law with a real jury and the penalty for perjury in place any prosecutor worth a grain of salt would get a conviction of Donald Trump for his treasonous premediated crimes which culminated on January 6th.

And the problem in all of this is that any American president, Democrat or Republican, is going to have a problem with Donald Trump’s pathological behavior.

If Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush or John Kasich or Joe Manchin or Mitt Romney were president right now, would any of this would be any different?

I don’t think so.

My advice to Nikki Haley would be not to run for any national level office and instead run for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina where she can get away with this complete inability to speak truth to power on any issue which might cause her some political discomfort.

Bless your heart, Nikki Haley.

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