Admiral McRaven on Smerconish

I’m going to go ahead and put this up right now and then come back and write a few words directed towards Donald Trump and those who still support him later this evening.

I need the rant within to settle down, so to speak.

This is Admiral McRaven from this past Saturday morning on the Michael Smerconish Show.

Of course…Admiral McRaven is a decorated hero with a proud service record of forty years which Bunion Boy dissed during his time in office. But Admiral McRaven shouldn’t feel bad because Bunion Boy parted ways with General James ‘Bulldog’ Mattis, General John Kelly, and General H.R. McMasters as well during his four-year reign of dysfunction in the White House.

In each instance, Trump, who himself avoided serving in the military because his daddy wrote a letter for him claiming bunions as a disability, claimed he knew more about the military than any of his generals…minus one perhaps.

That one of course being Michael Flynn. Flynn began as Trump’s first National Security Advisor then had to resign because of illegal payments he didn’t disclose from foreign parties. Flynn went to prison. But along with the other Trump poster boy, Roger Stone, was pardoned in the last days of Trump’s rogue presidency.

During the days leading up to the coup attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, which of course pays Flynn’s military pension, it was Flynn floating the idea Trump should surround the capitol with troops and declare the presidency his thru martial law even though he lost the election to Joe Biden by seven million votes.

Here’s Donald Trump’s favorite general:

Trust me on this, Bob Jackson would have switched to being a special appointed prosecutor to throw Donald Trump in federal prison where he belongs. And he would have been just the right type of lawyer to dismantle Donald Trump on cross-examination.

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