A Lovely Saturday in Seminole

Even though it was a blistering hot 106 degrees today in Seminole, my wife (who has told me never to mention her by name on this blog) and I spent the day there at the family two-hundred acre ranch. It was too hot to even think about fishing, but that didn’t matter. It was a great day.

We had a very nice lunch of shrimp creole, egg rolls, salad, cantelope, and watermelon. Myself and Brigadier General Regis Augustus Francis Urschler split a bottle of merlot. Dr. Showalter said it was okay now and again for me to have a cold beer or the occasional glass of wine…..so today was my splurge day.

After lunch we took up our standing conversational viewpoints of why we hate Donald Trump and tried to decipher who was/is the most villanous felon in contemporary American history….it came down to a three way tie between OJ Simpson, Donald Trump, and Ted Bundy. I know some will say, “But Trump never actually killed anyone.”

But I always counter with, “Give me a break. On live national television he tried to murder Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. Give the dude credit…that would have been the most dubious double homicide in the anals of mankind. He gets a A+++++ for mens rea criminal intent.”

Grudgingly….heads nodded around the living room.

Then drama occured as one of my sister-in-law’s stud roosters got out of hand and was given a death sentence because of Trumplike criminal activity out here at the ranch in recent days. ‘Little Donald Trump’ or LDT was sentenced to death for acts of serial bullying and pecking some of the grandchildren out here. Quite frankly, some of these grandchildren appear to be somewhat soft to me…and not anything like Little Robert….aka Bad Little Dude.

So using my best legal techniques from my days at the Bob Jackson School of Street Law…I pleaded leniency for my client… LDT, and was granted a stay of execution after a kind man on Facebook agreed to take the rooster. I have to tell you…I think it was some of my best lawyering ever.

Then…with it so hot today…four of the ranch’s five dogs spent the day inside with us. The only omission today was from the pathetic little pissant Yorky named Jackson. He knows how he I feel about him and he stays away from me when we visit… which is good for both of us.

So where was I? So… the other dogs… who I’ve pretty much all come to love. There’s two solid white Great Pyrenees named Siri and Dakota…both very cool dogs. Then there’s Callie an Australian Sheep Dog who’s probably my second favorite of the four dogs given Jackson is more what I would describe as a rodent.

My favorite dog by far has become Hank. Hank is a mix of a collie and a Great Pyrenees. I’d say Hank weighs maybe 85 lbs. He has the facial coloring of a collie with the pure white body the classic Great Pyrenees. Hank has gradually stolen my heart.

Hank was an abandoned dog who gradually became accepted to the family as he hung around the outer fencelines of the property looking for food and love. Through time, Hank has showed himself to be the alpha dog of the bunch. He has everything you look for in the soul of a dog.

He’s smart, loyal, loving, and courageous. Hank reminds me of the dog Buck in the Jack London classic Call of the Wild. As time has passed since Pauli’s death… it’s as if Hank knows of the hurt in my heart and has week by week been more accepting of me. It is truly amazing how the love of a dog can heal your heart.

So that’s it for me today as far as original OKC Thunder content on my Golden State Warriors’ blog.

Have a blessed Sunday.


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