Does Donald Trump Have A Better Angel?

From Lincoln to the Pussy Grabber. Tell me what I do not understand. What it tells me is we’ve in fact reverted to something worse than we were in 1864 when Lincoln thought he was going to get trounced in his bid for a second term.

This is a part of American history of which I’m certain almost 99% of registered Republicans in Oklahoma haven’t the faintest clue about.

It’s really a very revealing part of Lincoln’s legacy and why many like myself consider him our greatest president.

Donald Trump rating Joe Biden as one of our worst presidents is hilarious.

Donald Trump left office with barbed wire barriers standing all around D.C. after his two month long premeditated effort to circumvent his 8 million vote defeat…. and his embarrassing defeat in the Electoral College turned into the darkest day in American history. Much more worse than Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Not even close.

This video pertains to a blind and sealed note Lincoln gave to his Cabinet in August of 1864 thinking he would lose the election.

It’s called the Lincoln Secret Memorandum of August, 1864.

I’m not even sure Trump or two-thirds of his followers know who Abraham Lincoln was and… if someone like me taught this in a Oklahoma high school history class…they’d probably have me in jail awaiting sentencing with Rex Walter trying to get the death penalty for a dangerous cat like me.

You know…this would rank right there with other Antifa lit-woke Deep State doctrines like evolution and gravity as far as the Christian faith based groups in Oklahoma seem to flow with in the Evangelical Age of Trump.

But you know…as I’ve been on my cancer journey here in Oklahoma…I’ve observed alot of these Trump people do have goodness in them. Like Dave Chappelle…I’ve observed most of these people seem like good folks who for some mystical reason are stupid enough to believe this bullshit Donald Trump keeps selling to them.

It is one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever witnessed in my life.

But I’m a better person than I was ten months ago. It’s humbling to go through what I’ve just gone through. There’s a deeper spiritual maturity now which would never allow me to write the things which got me banned that day on the Daily Thunder message board. Word.

It’s this feeling of spiritual depth which has allowed me to take a step or two back and look for the eternal goodness in all the Trump rabble here in Oklahoma on a day to day basis.

Dave Chappelle is right, man. At the end of the day we’re all the same and we’re just seeking our own dignity and grace the best we can every day.

So my mantra moving forward out of New Hampshire is to block out the negativity and look for the best in the Trump people.

It won’t be easy for me.

It will require patience and loving kindness, but I think I can do it.

Love and peace.


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