Donald Trump’s ‘Source’ on His Voting Fraud Conspiracy

Man, oh, man….I’m not an even a Liberal for crying out loud, John Kasich was my candidate of choice, but I’m to the point I can’t take watching half of this shit without feeling the urge to slam my head into my computer screen.

Before I go further, there are approximately 330 million people in this country. Somewhere around 60 million completely ignored anything factual and voted for Caligula Lite. I can’t even get through this paragraph without a furtive pause/sigh to compose myself.

If one believes approval rating polls, Trump is hovering at a 40% approval rating. Which means around 24 million people or so out of 330 million Americans actually believe this horseshit coming out of his mouth on a daily basis. I have no idea how many out of these 24 million are Trump Trekkies to the core and are all on board with Birtherism, Ted Cruz’s father murdering JFK, Lock Her Up, Build the Wall, etc. So–I’m not throwing any numbers out there on that…. much like Gregg Phillips.

So…here’s the empirical guru of Trump’s claim that 3-5 million people voted illegally in this presidential election. His name is Gregg Phillips, he’s from Texas, and of course, he himself is registered to vote in three southern states.

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