What It Means to be An American

Pretty amazing, yet no big surprise in that he’s doing everything he told his supporters he was going to attempt to put in place way back when he was assailing the Republicans, the Bushes, the Koch Brothers, and Goldman Sachs. Well, not really Goldman Sachs in as much as six Goldman Sachs people now fill either Trump’s staff or cabinet. It’s a very white, rich cabinet which in no way is a reflection of America or what the demographics say America will be twenty years from now. In no way is a working class guy from the Rust Bucket represented in all of this either, but you just pray things work out for them. I feel as a collective whole we’ve lost sight of the big picture—all of us on what it means to be American and what the American dream should be for future generations.

This is the first Saturday of Trumpdom when we’ve actually not had a massive national protest or calamity of some sort unless you count a federal judge who was appointed by Bush 43 ruling Trump’s nuance Muslim ban as unconstitutional. That pretty well defines a good day under the rule of Trump. Less than half a dozen protests march in the country it’s a relatively peaceful Saturday. So amidst all this calm I’d like to share two lovely videos on what I think it means to be an American whether you live in the red or blue version of America.

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