Michael Flynn Lasts 24 Days in Trump’s Rogue Presidency

How ironic, here’s Michael Flynn on July 18th at the Republican National Convention imploring the almost entirely white crowd to lock up Hillary Clinton. Flynn went on to say ‘if he ever did one-tenth of what Hillary Clinton did he’d be in prison’. His words, not mine. Interesting, if that’s indeed the case Michael Flynn might need to get his ass lawyered up in a hurry. Amazing, Flynn was fired in 2014 for being recklessly subordinate to Barack Obama. And, of course, he and Donald Trump were a perfect match. A fired general with a chip on his shoulder and a rogue birther presidential nominee who wanted to stir the worst in people.

Michael Flynn lasted 24 days. Gong. Even by Watergate standards this is eye popping. TWENTY-FOUR DAYS. Even the worst of the Nixon accomplices made it three and a half years, but Michael Flynn… 24 days. At least he’s got a title for his book.

Of course, more will continue to unravel. Hard to imagine Trump didn’t know about Flynn’s activities with the Russians, and of course, one would expect Paul Manafort’s name to start surfacing again as the Russian trail with the Trump campaign itself starts to unravel under subpoena scrutiny at some point.

In closing, we should all follow Michael Flynn’s legal advice as gold and lock him up for a day. Maybe some humility would serve him well down the road.

And then there was this. Sigh.

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