Trump Encouraging Russia to Hack DNC, July 27, 2016

As I witness this ‘thing’ pertaining to Trump’s cohorts colluding with the Russians to hack and release DNC e-mails, I must admit I’m somewhat perplexed this is viewed as some sort of detective drama of sorts. I mean, this in no way is like Columbo connecting the dots on the DaVinci Code.

Here’s ‘our’ president back on July 27, 2016 actually openly encouraging the Russians to hack the DNC and release as many of the Clinton e-mails as possible.

This is not complex. This is Trump on July 27, 2016 pleading for any Russian out there to hack the living shit out of the DNC server. It vexes me to no end that Trump ‘followers’ act as if all of this is some sort of concoction by the far left. No–it is not a concoction. It is crazy, but no concoction.

Let’s do the math again. There are 330 million Americans or so. Sixty-three million voted for Hillary Clinton. Seven million voted for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. Rumors have it, even some voted for John Kasich in of all places locales such as Oklahoma and Alabama. Go figure.

Okay, Sixty-million voted for Caligula Lite. If one is to believe the polls only about 45% of these people are what I call the Trump Trekkies who love to scream “Lock Her Up’, ‘Build the Wall’, or ‘Birthers Rock’. So, this means less than thirty million people in this country out of three-hundred and thirty million people believe his rogue hustler bullshit and will believe it do the bitter end.

How did we get here as a nation? How did this happen? I’m firmly convinced Sarah Palin has something to do with this–which means in essence John McCain is an accomplice in the dumbing down of the American electorate. I actually kind of like McCain, but in historical retrospect, McCain by naming Palin as his VP nominee gave the Trump Trekkies the gas and the spark which puts us where we are today.

Let’s see for ourselves if perhaps this is plausible.

Then this. Sigh.

And then this.

The end.

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