Lyin’ Ted Cruz and Family Visit the White House

I have to admit, I smiled when I heard Ted Cruz and his family visited the White House so Donald Trump could smooze the American Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives in relation to the new Trump Care Health bill which was just made public. Donald Trump now needs Ted Cruz—it’s that simple and one might hope Cruz is at least smart enough to know he should be getting something back in an obvious quid pro quo. If not, at least it gives the rest of us proof we’re at least smarter than one Harvard Law School graduate.

And what’s truly hilarious is that Trump coined the phrase Lyin’ Ted Cruz, called his wife a pig, and then went on to claim Cruz’s father could have been involved in the assassination of JFK. Yet, there’s Lyin’ Ted Cruz like a wet puppy with his tail between his legs at the White House with Caligula Lite. To me, this is right up there with Trump telling Chris Christie to get on the airplane and go home. Both are equally priceless, but in the World of Trump it’s just another day and another gesture of where we’re at as a nation currently.

So, if we’re having an Oscars for most pathetic GOP moments encapsulating the Election of 2016 and the governance so far—Cruz taking his family to the White House wins Best Picture going away. But there were other strong nominees for Best Pic as well.

Runner-up for Best Pic.

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