Donald Trump Two Months In

Two months into the Donald Trump presidency and he’s exactly what we thought he would be, namely a junk bond of a president who shamelessly panders to the part of his illiterate white core which isn’t in the uber elite status in this country. He doesn’t need to pander the uber elites because they’re just along for the ride which will make them even richer. And the amazing thing is, many of these poor whites will be the ones hardest hit if anything Trump has proposed to date actually becomes law– unless of course you’re in that upper five per cent of three hundred and thirty million Americans.

The silver lining so far, nothing Caligula Lite has done or said ‘so far’ has become a law. Trump’s nuanced Muslim ban is once again being put on hold as it well should be because it specifically punishes a specific religion. Plus, the fact Trump couldn’t keep Rudy Giuliani off television screens basically telling the world Trump ask him to devise a Muslim ban. Sigh.

We’ve witnessed Trump embarrass this country with almost every other nation with the exception of Russia, Israel, and perhaps Japan. We’ve witnessed fourth grade level diplomacy with Mexico, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, France, and China. We’ve witnessed a president who seems more suited for a sport fucking spree in a furniture store rather than being a man with enough depth to tackle complex issues around the globe. But, hey, it was right there on film and we all saw it and yet 82% of white evangicals still went with the furniture store sport fuck junk bond con artist. Yawn. Color me jaded at this point.

It is what is. I’d love to sit at a table with these people and discuss all of this, but it’s not like I’m holding my breath or anything. I mean, really, who amongst us hasn’t ever taken a married woman to a furniture store and tried to sport fuck her like a bitch and then bragged about it to something called a Billy Bush when we were sixty years of age at the time.

So, here are one day removed from Mitch McConnell’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, beginning his confirmation hearings. This should be the focus of the country right now, but how could it be with Birthers, Voting Conspiracy Wingnuts, and Wire Tappers all convinced Donald Trump is any and everything but what he actually is which is a delusional, narcisstic, pathological liar who will be used as much as possible by McConnell, Ryan, Priebus, and Pence as much as they can possibly use him without destroying their own party.

You see, I really don’t think Donald Trump is a Republican or a Democrat. He doesn’t need to be. He’s a junk bond, he’s a subprime mortgage tranche, he’s a credit default swap, he’s a rogue, he’s a hustler, he’s a con artist, and he’s the president of the United States because 70,000 or so lost white souls in the Rust Bucket said ‘fuck it nothing is going to change for me’ anyway. Why not–what could it hurt?

In closing, we clearly have two nations within one border. The United States being those who opted not to disgrace themselves by voting for Caligula Lite, and then those who think the prudent choice was to select a robber baron of a prez who will take us back to the 1930’s if he, Bannon, and Sessions have their way.

So–really, Trump is exactly what he appeared to be during his campaign. How could anyone be surprised?

Here’s two videos. One for the Trumpers, and one for those who might read a book occasionally. It’s up to you to decide which is for you. Besides, there’s always Sean Hannity if reading requires too much effort.

This is my favorite scene from The Big Short. Maybe a good time to revisit the story. Economic cycles and bubbles never leave us. Just saying. Make sure you keep your ass covered as much as possible. Don’t be stupid.

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