Comey Tags Caligula With a Standing Eight Count

Unless you’re a complete dolt the end result is pretty much starting to become clear, Donald Trump’s presidency is over not even four months in. Two questions will linger….how long will he last and will he go to prison.

If what Comey maintains in his memorandum is true then what Trump has done is far worse than what Richard Nixon did forty-three years ago. I can’t imagine there will be a Gerald Ford pardon waiting for Caligula. Nor should there be as with each passing day Russiagate makes Watergate seem like children at play.

Some people should go to prison and the United States has a far more believable witness than Billy Bush’s favorite furniture store sport fucking icon. Namely, that would be James Comey.

This never should have happened. Donald Trump in no way should have ever been the presidential nominee of either political party. Go no further than the fact that this douchebag began his political career by creating a Birther Movement for the most racist element of the GOP to cling to while Barack Obama entered the smoldering White House in the aftermath of the Cheney – W eight year disaster.

Having written that, I would have to admit W looks pretty damn good compared to this piece of shit who leases trophy wives and makes sex talk videos with Billy Bush. Maybe that’s where Trump’s future should be headed. Maybe he and Billy Bush can start a video series where a creepy old man does a sex talk video each week as Billy Bush listens eagerly.

How ironic, on the very day I played the Howard Baker video, James Comey tagged Caligula with a right cross haymaker and we all now wonder how much longer the country has to witness this bullshit called the Trump Presidency.

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