Caligula Convenes Cabinet to Praise Him Publicly

Five months into this and not one tangible piece of legislature has been passed or appears near to being passed. Mike Flynn was fired twenty-four days in, not long after, Sally Yates was fired. Then of course, James Comey was fired. Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself from Russiagate, and just this week Mike Pence had to get himself lawyered up. Multiple people associated with the stench of this administration will be getting lawyered up as each days passes forward from this point. Even Newt Gingrich of all people admitted people will be going to jail.

Layers upon layers of government jobs are not being able to be filled simply because even Republicans at this point don’t want their careers disgraced by being associated with this president.

Caligula now has the lowest approval rating ever of a U.S. president five months in. In the past month alone his approval rating just among Republicans has plummeted 17 points. I mention this because it will have to be Republicans who at some point display some integrity as Americans and put country above partisanship as this thing careens towards a Watergate ending or worse.

If you’re a person still defending Donald Trump–then in a way I kind of feel sorry for you. Party trumps country with you evidently–pardon the multiple puns.

As I watched this video the two people I thought most of were Mattis and Tillerson. Mattis was the lone person in the room who actually had enough gumption to not lick Donald Trump’s balls. Mattis along with McMaster appears to be the firewall between Caligula and things becoming much worse. Pray for them and our country as well.

Tillerson…what an enormous embarrassment. I feel sorry for him. He didn’t even want to become Secretary of State. His wife made him do it. She claimed God had a new mission for them which went beyond Exxon stock. He should have ignored his wife and gone home to be near his grandchildren.

Jeff Sessions… how did he ever get through law school? I was raised by a trial lawyer, been around lawyers my whole life, to date I’ve never observed one as stupid as Jeff Sessions. I love his voice though…it’s like listening to Forest Gump try to talk about the law. But I’ll say this…he’s the one I have circled who Mueller might flip the easiest and become the John Dean of the bunch.

It doesn’t matter what your party affiliation is or your ideology at this point. If you’re an American and you love this country you should be praying some people near the top of our government can do the right things at some point beyond just hoping to get a tax break for our wealthiest people and getting Neil Gorsuch confirmed on the Supreme Court.

Even the bloggers in Columbia know better. White people in the New Confederacy…not so much. Somebody make this kid Secretary of State or Attorney General. It would be an upgrade.

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