Kelly Fires Bannon, Pence Compares Trump to Teddy Roosevelt

You see, I’m not sure Bannon finally being fired by John Kelly is the lead storyline because I’m beginning to be of the thought Mike Pence is an even bigger joke than Donald Trump.

Can you imagine any literate fourth grader comparing the piece of dog shit named Donald Trump to one of our greatest presidents of all-time? This makes me ‘almost’ even more livid than everything else which has happened this week, and ordinarily it would, but keep in mind the other clueless dumbshit ahead of Mike Pence on the ticket went yard when he inferred, ” Some of these Nazis and KKK people are very fine human beings.”

Tom Friedman has it all wrong. This isn’t just the acceleration of Moore’s Law, but rather the implosion of the Peter Principle cascading down on the people of the United States in an unfathomable snowball of collective grotesque cultural nothingness.

The thought a sitting Vice-President of the United States would compare Donald Trump to Teddy Roosevelt is to me an even more impeachable offense than colluding with the Russians, laundering money in a Cypriot bank, or obstructing justice because it shows you we have a VP who couldn’t pass a basic U.S history exam.

Is Sarah Palin still available?

The notion that sixty million Americans would cast their votes for these two idiots is the storyline because here’s the thing–even if Trump is impeached or cuts a deal to walk away– there’s this other idiot waiting in the wings unless Mueller gets Pence as well for obstructing justice in the Michael Flynn debacle.

Speaking of Michael Flynn, consider here we are not even eight months into the most disgraceful presidency in the history of the United States and Flynn, Priebus, Spicer, and Bannon are all gone.

I would evoke the names of Grant, Harding, and Andrew Johnson as comparable disgraceful U.S. presidencies, but what really would be the point considering sixty million Americans have no concept whatsoever what was the conceptual vision of which previously made America the envy of the rest of the world.

Angela Merkel knows what made America great. The sixty million Americans who voted for Trump-Pence not a chance.

I guess Mike Pence never heard the phrase ‘Walk Softly Carry a Big Stick’.

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