Steve Kerr’s Random Thoughts on Caligula

From Day 1, both Kerr and Poppovich have been consistent in their criticism of Donald Trump. Now, even Tom Brady and Robert Kraft from the Patriots have been critical of the NASCAR poster boy. Again, I don’t think anyone should be sitting out the national anthem. The national anthem and Donald Trump aren’t even remotely connected because he’s never once done anything patriotic in his life. He never served. He never sacrificed to fight for freedom. There’s not one single act in Donald Trump’s life which reflects service of country or anything of a nature of him doing anything which doesn’t serve his individual self interest.

So I wouldn’t confuse patriotism with Donald Trump. He avoids creditors through the nuance of our bankruptcy laws. He buys or leases trophy wives. No one for sure knows what he’s done with his taxes. I would guess this piece of shit laundered money in Wilbur Ross’s bank in Cypress or at least had assets bundled with Manafort. He moves heavily on married women, takes them furniture shopping, and then of course tries to fuck them like a bitch. You go NASCAR, you go boys. Know who attend your events. Maybe Saban should go all white with the Crimson Tide. Roll Tide. Go all white and see if you can beat Vanderbilt next season.

What I’m saying is don’t ever let this piece of dog shit alter your personal love of freedom and the American Dream. He’s not worth it.

Do we have a lot of lazy stupid white people in this country who haven’t been able to come to terms with globalization and why their lazy dumbass children have been left behind? Sure we do. But that’s on them because they didn’t raise their children right and instill a work ethic worthy of the American Dream. But don’t ever lose sight that for whatever America is working through right now it’s still the best thing going.

I was just kidding about moving to Toronto. It’s lovely, but fuck that. I’m an American!

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