The State of the Union

I honestly didn’t watch Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech. I don’t watch reality television shows.

The state of our union is very simple…it sucks. Our country cannot govern itself. We basically have three generals in essence babysitting a president and a government which cannot get anything done. Take away the nuclear confirmation of Neil Gorsuch and the Robber Baron Tax Reform Act and nothing has been done.
As per the Dave Chappelle Doctrine, I’m okay in that I have assets, as far as you Trump supporters who live month to month–you’re pretty much fucked unless you loaded up on Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. Good luck with the Caligula-Elmer Gantry grifter rallies.

As far as the Dow, it moved from around 6,500 to 18,500 during Obama’s eight years. As far as job creation, after the financial crisis of 2008 was somewhat leveled out…the U.S. economy created around two hundred thousand jobs a month during the Obama recovery… which is about what the Trump economy is creating currently. As far as GDP…during the Obama years the GDP moved between 2% to 2.5% growth depending on the month. During the Trump presidency, there have been a few months of 3% GDP growth, but other months have hovered around the 2.5% marker.

As far as healthcare, nothing has been done except the mandates have been abolished. In no way has healthcare been addressed. Nothing has been done with America’s trade treaties. Nothing has been done with the Dreamers and immigration and as we all know…Mexico won’t be paying for the Wall-you people living month to month with shitty healthcare will pay for the Wall if it ever happens. Nothing has been done in regards to infrastructure. Oil has risen to $65 a barrel, yet the U.S. is still a net importer of oil even with the survival of the shale industry after the market assaults from the Saudis. We do actually export more natural gas and are a net exporter of this commodity, but as any person in Oklahoma should know–natural gas is a depressed commodity selling at half of what it needs to be selling at for it to have an impact on a state like Oklahoma which is governed by idiots. Coal is not coming back regardless of how many times Joe Manchin kisses Donald Trump’s ass. That isn’t happening.

As far as the national debt, $1.5 trillion over the coming years was just added to the $20 something trillion of debt which the U.S. was already carrying. Funny, how deficit hawks such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell had no problem with any of this.

ISIS has been somewhat subdued, but that was already taking place in the final year of Obama’s presidency. America is still waging war in Afghanistan seventeen years later and will not be leaving anytime soon. But Caligula did drop a bomb on an empty airfield in Syria.

America unilaterally pulled out of the Climate Change Accord and now sits with two third world countries on the roster of countries not buying into climate change, globalization, free trade, math, and science.

As far as how America is perceived by the rest of the world, for the first time in my lifetime the United States is not perceived as the beacon of democracy in the world. You can’t be the greatest democracy in the world if your president assaults the media, his own FBI director (Christopher Wray), his own Attorney General (Jeff Sessions) and his own party in power (the GDP).

The only thing you can be perceived of is a country which has gone bat fuck crazy and is being governed by the American Freedom Caucus a.k.a the Tea Party. Is there anyway Sarah Palin might be available?

Our government will probably close for the second time in less than a month on February 8th. Nothing will be done about the Dreamers, which is somewhat poetic in that the American Dream is currently on hold except for a miniscule portion of the American population.

But, hey, I’m okay. Dave Chappelle is okay. We’ll just let you Darwinian free market thinkers who voted for Donald Trump figure it out on your own.

Good luck with that.

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