Nixon and Trump…..That Moment Then and Again Last Night

If you were paying attention to the speech and watching the room last night—you would have noticed the GOP senators were not nearly as enthused by Donald Trump as the GOP house members. That of course is because quite a few Republican senators are up for re-election in 2020 and they know those who aren’t Trump zombies are watching them closely right now. Put Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell at the head of that list. Oh, to be a GOP patrician in the age of the Orange Puffer Fish Prez.

It was a speech which had some Nixon. It had some Reagan in his second term trying to survive Iran-Contra. Not much George Wallace. But at its core it was Nixonian. Two presidents who never could come to terms with their own insecurities.

Think back to last night…did you ever see McConnell or Graham display outward joy at Caligula’s eighty minutes of Trump trying to appear as a somewhat normal POTUS? I didn’t notice any joy from any of the GOP senators. I did notice Mitt Romney and Melania had the best tans in the room. The beach must be a calming balm for Trump survivors.

Think about what you just witnessed last night. It was Trump extolling the virtue of American courage on the beaches of France at D-Day and then in the next breath boasting about his collection margins with NATO members. We assume or at least hope Trump 45 and his followers understand what would have happened if D Day had gone the wrong way for FDR and Churchill on that fateful day. You Trump followers do know who FDR and Churchill were, right? Hannity doesn’t have you believing that all that was fake news to keep the top marginal tax rate in place.

One thing Trump didn’t mention was the December jobs report when the new jobs tally was around 130,000 jobs, which of course was far less than the 200,000 or so new jobs Obama’s last year in the White House was producing with regularity.

Hopefully, you noticed he never once took on the NRA or mentioned the students at Parkland or students anywhere in America who’ve been massacred under his watch. Or mention that his new Doctrine in the Middle East is eerily similar to Obama’s Doctrine in that he wants to bring Americans home and compared to everyone else in his own party seem like a pacifist.

You also noticed he never did a price comparison of health care for the average family in America under his watch despite boasting about ending the Obamacare mandates. I wouldn’t be holding my breath either for a cut on drug prices…given in what we saw from his first Sec of Health Tom Price. We probably would need to know what was in his cabinet members’ various portfolios before crossing that bridge.

He never mentioned climate change. He never mentioned General Mattis or General Kelly. He never mentioned that Carrier plant in Indiana where he was going to save all those jobs. He never mentioned Harley Davidson and how his approval rating in Wisconsin is now 42% in a state where Scott Walker used to be governor.

He also never patted himself on the back for anything accomplished in the realm of infrastructure because the Great Orange Builder hasn’t in twenty-three months in office built anything.

It was heartwarming to see Trump greet Neil Gorsuch and Brett Cavanaugh since both of their votes on the Supreme Court may be needed at some juncture in the next two years for the Orange Glow President. That was a touching moment which I’m sure made Merritt Garland ill if he was watching last night by chance.

Trump of course never talked about the national debt in relation to his tax cut. But how could he? Under his watch the debt of course hits a new high with Trump every year he stays in office. Do you think perhaps this is why Reagan secretly enacted gas taxes and subtle business taxes…which Reagan called ‘revenue enchancers’? Bush 41 to his credit basically sealed his own political fate to being a one termer by going back on his ‘no new taxes pledge’ because he knew it was the right thing to do for the country at the time. Does anyone really think at any point Mike Pence would describe Trump’s fiscal policies as voodoo economics or stand up and do the right thing? Really? Does anyone see that Republican on the horizon?

And, of course, you never heard anything with an adult twist to it address the Russians tampering with the Election of 2016.


Most of this SOTU speech was a recital of Trump using his wall promise to his Birther base to leverage the Dems to keep the White House open beyond February 15th.

As far as the Dems reply via Stacy Abrams…it was polite and to the point. It was okay. But why would you have someone who just lost their bid to become governor in Georgia address the nation to respond to Trump? Why not select someone who actually won their own race? Because at the end of the day, virtue probably isn’t going to unseat Donald Trump in 2020 if he survives whatever Robert Mueller finally reveals with his report. And by the same token, the same candidate who couldn’t even beat Ted Cruz in Texas might find beating Donald Trump in the Electoral College tougher than it looks at first glance.

Politics are a rough and tumble occupation in these times, but in reality politics have always been somewhat unseemly. It’s just that not until Trump was it so overt and repetitive on a daily basis.

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