Is Donald Trump Our Worst President Ever?

I want to be fair and not just write without thinking that Donald Trump is the worst POTUS in the history of the Republic. I need to think on this a little more in that I have a history degree and could have taught history if I’d chosen to do so. I won’t write that sentence without serious thought.

But I will write this …Donald Trump two years in is clearly our most corrupt president and the president most lacking having any qualifications or skills whatsoever to be the President of the United States.

As far as corruption goes, I’d rank it this way in a three man race….1 Trump, 2 Richard Nixon, and 3 Warren G Harding. In case you don’t remember, Harding was our 29th president and served from 1921-23 and preceded Calvin Coolidge in the White House. Like Trump, he was overtly corrupt and his years in the White House were marred by the Teapot Dome Scandals. Like Trump, as well, he had many mistresses, but of course back then we didn’t have television and we never heard Harding or saw Harding boast about grabbing a handful of pussy whenever he felt the need. And, of course, back then as well we didn’t have the Fathead Twins….Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, defending this type of behavior on the radio and airwaves in the name of Christianity.

Trump clearly is already our most corrupt president with his Reservoir Dogs mafia surrounding him… and will likely be regarded as the worst president at some point depending on how he leaves office.

It’s frustrating living in a state like Oklahoma where the educational system is a dumpster fire and there’s no viable newspaper to read in a city with the 27th largest population in the country. Sam Anderson should have touched on this in his book, but he needed the historical archives from the Oklahoman to write his book. I don’t need their archives. I studied all this in college. I’ve lived this and observed it firsthand.

This is a newspaper which probably would have endorsed Putin over Obama in 2008 as long as the Putin had an R stamped next to his name on the ballot. You think that’s hyperbole.. I don’t.

But right now if I had to rank the three worst presidents in American history….I’d go 1 James Buchanan, 2 Donald Trump and 3 Warren Harding. But Trump has two more years at least to get there and even if he extorts the Japanese Prime Minister into nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize…I still think he’ll get there eventually as worst POTUS ever.

To me, the truly amazing thing is the party of the Christian Right and family values still stand by Caligula Lite. And you know what…they’re staying and they will stay with him even if he did a live threesome with daughter Ivanka and Anne Coulter on a Fox pay per view special. These voters have shown they’re not going anywhere else.

81% of registered Republican voters still claim they support the president with the orange head and the Marco Rubio penis.

It must be the stock market. It must be the 401k accounts. It can’t be anything else. But as every president eventually learns you don’t run the markets, they eventually run you. Economic cycles run their course. Bulls are bulls and bears are bears.

So as I sit here…I’m not ready just yet to anoint Donald Trump as our worst president.

Not just yet.

Anne Coulter finally got one right…”Our president is a complete idiot.” Anne Coulter +1

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