Sissy Fairy Lindsey Graham & Lyin’ Ted Cruz Followers…This is For You

Since we know how many of you are ‘true patriots’ this is for you as a Memorial Day afterthought for all the real patriots who have served our country and given all of us the chance to pursue individual freedoms. Free patriots work thru the bone spurs… just saying.

Real American patriots serve their country regardless of the marginal rate their CPA has worked them into and serve their country with honor.

Ask Bush 41, ask John McCain, ask former Senator Webb, ask Congressman Moulton. You people have become an embarrassment to America and our educational system. Turn off Fox and read a book every now and again.

Is it about genuine patriotism or the marginal rates? You’ll notice for the most part the same 1% or so still own most of the country’s assets. So how did it trickle down for you so far in relation to real fixed long term net asset gain?

This is for you.

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