Barack Obama Has a 97% Approval Rating

I hate to write I told you so, but I told you so.

And this doesn’t come from a liberal per se. This comes from a moderate who until Barack Obama ran for president hadn’t voted for a Democratic candidate. To be frank, I may not have even voted for Obama then if John McCain hadn’t insulted my intelligence by nominating Crazy Sarah Palin as his vice-president. I could have voted for McCain otherwise.

But I did vote for Obama twice and would vote for him again given what I see on the political landscape.

It’s not a policy thing. I don’t agree with him on everything. He never ever should have drawn a red line in Syria and then stood still.

But here’s the thing…as a person I admire and respect him. His words if nothing else remind me that the President of the United States shouldn’t carry himself like a fourth grade level punk.

Given the fact we live in a politically divided country, I must not be alone in this sentiment given Barack Obama currently has an unheard 97% approval rating almost three years after he left office.

In most settings in Oklahoma…I could never even say this publicly. This is why you will never… ever… ever… ever here Billy Donovan or Sam Presti or Clay Bennett say anything about Donald Trump. They can’t if they wanted to because they’d lose half or more of their season ticket holders the next week.

Steve Kerr can say it. Greg Popovich can say it. But Billy Donovan can’t.

So I’ll say it for them on my blog from time to time. I guess we don’t have free speech in

President Obama… we miss you.

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