PUTIN-Trump: Rigging Elections Since 2016

So I’m working this morning in Quail Creek very close to the golf course/country club and I drive by this very nice home with a blue and white sign which simply said:

PUTIN-Trump: Rigging Elections Since 2016

Putin in caps. Douchebag in lower case—as their relationship should dictate.

It floored me. Right here in the heart of the oil and gas Trump Deplorable base this sign was placed by the curb.

I started screaming and laughing while honking the horn then drove off. But upon thinking about it…I went around the block and came back to the house to see if could get a couple of these signs.

I go up to the door and a nice looking blonde named Marcy greets me.

I said, “The sign—that sign—where can I get some of those signs?”

She smiles and then asks,” You don’t think it’s too much?”

“Well, how long has it been it up and have you received any death threats yet?”

“Three weeks and it’s still there,” she replies.

“I love your audacity. Can you get me a couple?”

I leave Marcy my cell number and a few hours later she says she’ll order two for me.

As the acting HOA president of my almost exclusively mostly white GOP community—this won’t play well if I plant one of these signs in my front lawn. But I’m no fucking cupcake like that pussy Lindsey Graham. If it means my own impeachment…so be it.

Can’t wait to get my two signs.

I’m the only non-black to have not voted for Caligula.

How ironic.. I’ll be the one being impeached instead of the human junk bond.

2 thoughts on “PUTIN-Trump: Rigging Elections Since 2016”

  1. I’ll be a one year president. Like Bush 41…I won’t know the feeling of being a two termer in spite of a glowing resume. I have my Warriors ball cap ready for the season. Six weeks till I become a grandfather.

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