Trump on Face the Nation — June 5, 2016

Interesting day on the campaign trail. A Wall Street Journal poll was released which shows Hillary Clinton leading by somewhere around 12% of registered voters polled. Paul Ryan somewhat distanced himself from Trump stating he’ll no longer defend any of Trump’s future actions. John McCain finally stated publicly he in no way can endorse Trump and said he’ll vote for Lindsey Graham. Mr. Kahn did another interview where he basically said Donald Trump is clueless and devoid of any character whatsoever.

And perhaps even more telling Trump revealed there is more tape out there similar to what we just heard where at the age of fifty-nine and just married to Melania he took a married Nancy O’Dell furniture shopping in the hope he could be a ‘bitch’ and ‘f–k’ her following the shopping spree. Or that his general principle in life is he’s a reality television star who can kiss any woman when he wants or do a ‘p—y grab’.

On the Trump trail today several Deplorables and Trumpettes were seen wearing newly made T-shirts which read ‘Better to Grab Some P—y Than Become One’.

Are we making America Great Again yet?

Here’s Trump on Face the Nation — June 5th. Sigh.

Second Presidential Debate Goes Rogue

What do you even say about what transpired last night in St. Louis? Probably the lowest point in American presidential campaign history. Hard to be optimistic about the future of the country after watching it. As far as who won and who lost I’d have to say Trump did better than he did in the first debate, but at what cost?

I’d either call it a draw or give Trump a slight edge because Hillary Clinton was just rope a doping trying not to make a huge mistake given her lead. She took the punches and rode it out. The pre-debate press conference with the four women was unlike anything ever seen before in presidential campaigns. Trump even threw Mike Pence under the bus at one point in answering a question on his policy in Syria. You have to wonder how either of these canidates would be able to govern the country given the depth of hatred displayed last night. The only people happy about last night are the alt right who Trump, Conway, and Bannon pandered to from start to finish on Sunday night.

Donald Trump went even more rogue than he did in the GOP primary debates. It will probably resonate with his core followers, but beyond those people, I can’t imagine any other people in the country were impressed by the display. To win the White House in this day and age, it’s almost impossible to do so just pandering to angry white Americans who haven’t come to terms with globalization and the fact it’s not the 1950’s anymore. Perhaps if Trump hadn’t already torched both John McCain and Mitt Romney he could talk to them about the presidential demographics now in place. The world has changed as has America’s role as the leader of the free world.

To me—it re-inforces how far our culture has fallen in the forty-six years since Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace. But how could any of us be surprised? Trump basically followed this script when he systematically eliminated each of his sixteen GOP competitors during the primary process. No one was spared and why would Hillary Clinton be treated any differently. If you’re going to go rogue with George W Bush in the South Carolina primary debate why would it be different in the general election with Hillary and Bill Clinton.

To me, the intrigue isn’t in how the Clinton campaign will respond, but rather what happens to the Republican Party during these last thirty days of the campaign. One would hope it can’t drop to a lower rogue level than last night. To me it would hinge on how will the Trump campaign reach out to moderate independents, suburban Republican women, and both college educated men and women given the torched earth show displayed in St. Louis last night.

Will Trump Drop Out?

Doubtful–because he pretty much only cares for himself. Unless there’s some adverse effect on his brand or net worth he could care less what’s for the good of the country. My guess is…his core followers will stand by him all the way through this. So he’ll have them for his website, his products which people in other countries make, and his brand. We didn’t have brands per se when Nixon resigned in ’74, but still I thought this might be interesting to view as Trump’s P—ygate scandal continues to gain legs with other women across the country coming forward with claims of sexual assault. On a bright side for the Deplorables is the thought if Mike Pence drops out perhaps Bill Cosby could be the new VP on the ticket.

Anyway…Nixon is extremely relevant with me as I only became eligible to vote in ’75 and the Nixon pardon was the driving issue in the Election of 1976. I ultimately voted for Gerald Ford.

Howard Stern and Dopey Talking Steamy

This whole deal is just so incredibly stupid. And I’ll say this the GOP people who are now bailing out him are a joke in that they never should have endorsed him in the first place. Now–if you’re talking about Donald Trump running to be President of the Strip Bar Association in Atlantic City then I’d say…yeah, this guy is qualified to hold that position. If you’re going to tell me he’s going to buy Hustler magazine or be a writing voice on a punk alt right website–then, yeah I could see that as well. But to be president of the United States…are you kidding? Have you people lost your f—ing minds?

Anyway, here’s Donald Trump sex talking with Howard Stern and getting Stern all worked up.

Tonight’s Second Debate

Stunning week for the campaign of huckster GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. He embarrassed himself with the Miss Universe debaucle. Then the revelation he’s basically not paid any federal income tax in the past twenty years. Now—the revelations of the Access Hollywood video which in essence clearly shows he’s the most unfit presidential canidate in over two hundred years of American presidential politics.

And should anyone be surprised? I can’t imagine why unless you live with your head buried in the ground. This is who the guy is and he’s made no pretense about it whatsoever. None. If you’re a Trump supporter this isn’t on him, it’s squarely ON YOU for allowing this to get as far as it did. To me, this is the equivalent of a driver getting a DUI. If you voted for Trump in the GOP primaries your voting rights should be suspended for two years pending certain rehab procedures. Maybe reading a book would be a starting point.

Steven Schmidt, former John McCain campaign director, put it best this morning on Meet the Press when he candidly stated there’s been a complete intellectual rot in the current Republican party. He said it, I didn’t. So in essence the guy who ran John McCain’s presidential campaign said around half of the GOP voters in this country are too dumb to vote. Semantics aside, it sounds fairly similar to what Hillary Clinton said in regard to the Deplorables who see Trump fit to be president.

To me, what’s truly amazing is that it took this Access Hollywood video to actually kick start this discussion on why Donald Trump should never have been the nominee of either party for the Presidency to begin with. And I could care less what Bill Clinton did or didn’t do twenty years ago because I never voted for him.

None of you should bitch nary a syllable when Hillary Clinton becomes the 45th president of the United States because this is squarely on you. Not on the Dems. Not on Hillary Clinton. Not on the media. Not even Donald Trump. This is squarely on you.

Kaine, Pence Spar in VP Debate

I actually enjoyed last night’s VP debate. Mike Pence was in a virtually impossible spot trying to mitigate all the incredibly stupid things Dopey has said during the course of his presidential campaign, but he showed poise in answering Kaine’s truthful avalanche of statements in regards to Dopey’s unfitness to be president of the United States. I saw it as a draw pretty much with Pence getting the edge for demeanor and Kaine getting the edge for veracity.

I can’t imagine this having a bearing on the election because ultimately what undecided voters will have to decide is if they want Dopey in possession of the nuclear codes. Good luck with that. Can you historically visualize Dopey in place of JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis? You can’t because none of us would be here typing, reading, or doing much of anything. Poof…gone.

One good thing about last night is that Pence will replace Lyin’ Ted Cruz as the voice of the alt right Tea Party heading into the 2020 election. One would think think Little Marco Rubio is done as well. So–in essence Pence while committing perjury in not answering Kaine’s allegations honestly in regards to Dopey has propelled himself to front runner status for the GOP nomination in 2020 along with Paul Ryan. Even though I could never vote for Pence–I’d buy him a beer for making sure I never have to listen to anything the dipshit Lyin’ Ted Cruz ever says again.

One would think Dopey won’t take kindly to Pence stealing the show from him so we’ll have to keep an eye on all of that. Ego means everything to Dopey so if Pence goes missing don’t completely dismiss another House of Cards like subplot taking place in all of this.

Dopey and Crooked Hillary meet again on Sunday in the second presidential debate which is a town hall format. Hopefully, Kellyanne Conway can get some Viagra or Cialis pumped into Dopey’s veins so he doesn’t wither and go limp like he did in the first debate after fifteen minutes.

Crooked Hillary can’t be overconfident though. Bill seems lost on the campaign trail as a surrogate and is publicly calling Obamacare crazy. Meanwhile… Libertarian VP canidate Bill Weld has finally realized Gary Johnson is even more clueless than Dopey and is opening campaigning against Dopey so as Crooked Hillary can keep the nuclear codes away from him.

Where are you Michael Lewis? Hoping working your manuscript for Losers II.

Eventually … I’ll weave back towards Thunder basketball, but not just yet.

Hope the Maureen Dowd style take wasn’t too much, but when all you’ve got to write about are Losers what else is there to do?

Hillary Cleans Dopey’s Clock—But It Won’t Matter to Birthers

Keep in mind I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton, but she just absolutely cleaned Dopey Trump’s clock tonight in the first debate. Between her subtle jabs at all of Trump’s obvious flaws as a canidate and his inability to stop sniffing like he’d sniffed a kilo of coke before the debate it was a seventh round TKO even though Melania was almost naked in the audience. This should be Kelleyanne Conway’s strategy in the second debate…namely have Melania show up totally naked so as America won’t notice what a clueless dumbass her old, rich, racist husband is.

But here’s the thing….it won’t matter to the birthers, sniffers, and the tweakers because Donald Trump is their boy hell or high water.

In my adult voting life Dopey Trump is the most abjectly unqualified presidential nominee from one of the two major parties. Even former Alabama governor George Wallace was more qualified than Dopey. But the guy still probably has a puncher’s chance and that’s squarely on America and how far the culture in this country has fallen in the past twenty years as a Democratic republic.

Note to Kelleyanne Conway: Dopey wasn’t debating Lyin’ Ted Cruz or Little Marco Rubio tonight. Have Melania show up naked for the second debate.

The Big Debate Tonight

We have the two Losers squaring off tonight in the first presidential debate and we’ve yet to get started and Trump has already told a lie in claiming moderator Lester Holt is a Democrat. Not true, Hunt is a registered Republican. But you know what–it doesn’t matter what Trump says. He’s pulled even in the polls and it just doesn’t matter what he says because the people who are going to vote for him hate Hillary Clinton more than they hated Hitler. It just doesn’t matter.

He can say Putin would be better to work with than Paul Ryan if he’s elected. He could say Lyin’ Ted Cruz will be his first Supreme Court nomination. He can say he’s firmly convinced Hillary Clinton was responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam War and it wasn’t LBJ. He could say he’ll sell the state of Oklahoma to Putin and he’d still get 65% of the vote in Oklahoma. He could even stand up at the end of the debate shoot both Lester Hunt and Hillary Clinton dead in front of 100 million television viewers and it just wouldn’t matter. It would push him in front in both Colorado and North Carolina with millennials.

This is where America is right now as a nation. A reality television presidential election where Kim Kardashian would have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than either Hillary Clinton or those sixteen GOP canidates who all fell by the wayside.

So–I’m not really sure why America thinks tonight is going to be some kind of breakthrough moment in this election.

It just doesn’t matter. It doesn’t.

The earth is flat. Hillary Clinton was the chief birther. Lyin’ Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK and Lester Holt is a Democrat.

Man Executed by Tulsa Police: 9/20/16–Two Americas

As someone who was raised by a criminal defense trial lawyer–this looks pretty simple to me. Either second degree murder or manslaughter. Having a narcotic in your car does not entitle the police to execute a person in the streets who is not resisting arrest. This is just absolutely pathetic. Again…do you really think this would have happened to a white man?