JC Watts: Black History Month

JC Watts was the second black quarterback to play at OU from 1979-80. He was preceded as the first black quarterback at OU by Thomas Lott. JC earned a degree in journalism from OU as well. He won two Big 8 titles and two Orange Bowls in those seasons.

Former Congressman JC Watts on Obama – YouTube

JC Watts as a Republican became the first African American south of the Mason Dixon line to become elected to the U.S. Congress and to my recollection the only African American to the present day in Oklahoma to be elected as a congressman, senator or governor in my lifetime in the state.

After serving four terms in eight years he became a member of the Corporation Commission and became the first black in our state’s history to do cross that barrier as well.

After retiring from politics he became a minister.

In choosing JC for this slot on my blog’s Black History Month…I was moved by an opinion piece I read by JC Watts at of all places…Fox News.

Anyway–I thought it was both equally eloquent and applicable to the current state of our union.

Hope you take the time to read it because regardless of party affilation I think you might find it relevant.

JC Watts: After lockdown and George Floyd death, this still holds true – No one is nonessential | Fox News

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