When You Nominate a Television Reality Star for President

I mean, what are you going to say as it appears Hillary Clinton could be headed for an Electoral College landslide election in November. This isn’t on Hillary Clinton. This isn’t on Wall Street. This isn’t even on the premise of a rigged general election.

This rests squarely on those who decided in the GOP primaries that it would be better to nominate a reality television persona over say someone who was the House Budget Chairman and a successful two term governor from Ohio who’s favorite ball player of all-time was Roberto Clemente. A man with an impeccable resume. A wife who wouldn’t have plagiarized Michelle Obama at the GOP Convention. A real life inspirational story of overcoming the deaths of his parents at an early age in life. A canidate who probably would have had Tom Ridge as his vice-presidential partner.

But no. You GOP primary voters opted to go with the Godfather of the Birther Conspiracy. The man who with a straight face insinuated Lyin’ Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK. A guy who said sleeping with his own daughter would be pretty hot if indeed she wasn’t his oldest daughter… sigh. A man who probably thought long and hard about making Howard Stern his VP nominee.

A canidate repudiated even by his own party leaders.

And this is why when Hillary Clinton becomes the 45th president of the United States none of you should say one single word for the next four years.

Not one word.


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