A good showing of Warriors fans tonight at Pay.com Arena. Lot of Warriors’ blue rising in inison as the four-time defending NBA champs crusied to a 21 point first half lead before finally dousing the Thunder hopes with a…. yawn….. 128-120 road victory.
Road wins have been tough this season for the Warrirs ever since Draymond dropped Jordan Poole with a pre-seson right cross which knocked the cocky guard off his feet. Prolly not the best team building gesture if you know what I mean.
You know, what can you really say….it is what it is with the Thunder as far as what their realisttic goals can ever be with this franchise playing in a major league substandard city.
I’ll get back here later in the week with my second Dub Nation Oklahoma Report given we know have a clearer pictue of the crazy Western Conference sandings.
In closing for tonight though, like Michelle Obama I’d like to close out high on a positive.
If you live in or around the Olahoma City area start giving your friends and relatives books as gifts instead of fat produing food types.
Maybe, just maybe, if OKC can elevate the area reading leval for adults to the fifth grade level that would be a start in becomong a real major league city.
I haven’t posted on my undergpound blog since Election Day.
I would say I needed a break for my own emotional well being. It’s been a tough eight months for me. Not feeling sorry for myself…it’s just been a tough eight months on Mike’s Winter of Discontent Tour.
Probably the toughest thing was the loss of my soulmate Pauli black lab…who succombed to cancer in late September. In losing Pauli– it’s as if I lost myself in the subsequent months which have followed.
Then I got Covid a second time following a Thanksgiving week in Denver. I lost another eight pounds and am now wegighing in at 172 pounds with a heomoglobin count which is still below the standard to get my knee replaced.
But I’m not feeling sorry for myself because I genuinely feel as if this is what the Journey of Life is all about you know, picking yourself up when you get knocked down,
My weight? Holy shit! in January of 2022 … I weighed 248 pounds….by far the most in my life. Today I’m weighing in at 172 pounds. Fuck yeah! I may die because of this weight loss… but if it comes to that at least I’ll know I didn’t die like that Big, Fat, Stupid, Clueless Rush Limbaugh.
At least there’s that.
Aren’t we all as Americans so proud of our new MAGA/GOP House of Represenatives? It’s like watching CSpan in Russia or North Korea with the likes of Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene running the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.
My wife says I can’t have another dog until my right knee is replaced. I get it. I’m not bitching about it. That fair.
I adopted a big stuffed caramel dog of some species and named it Big Moe/Big Mona after one of my favorite posters on my rogue ice hockey blog back when I was rightfully terorizing a certain clique of Edmond, Oklahoma youth hockey mothers who should have been dosued in diesel and set on fire.
I actually like being retired as well. I’ve probably read around seventy books during the past seven to eight months. Quite frankly…I feel like my reading list will more impressive than that of Bill Gates this year.
Another silver lining posiive to go along with the weight loss.
I hope I’m not being too vague or ambiguous about what I truly feel about the Big Dittohead and his followers. I just wanted at d that ebfore isign off ob here today.
As far as the NFL Championship games this week-end….My heart is with Joe Burrow and Jalen Hurts.