The Big Debate Tonight

We have the two Losers squaring off tonight in the first presidential debate and we’ve yet to get started and Trump has already told a lie in claiming moderator Lester Holt is a Democrat. Not true, Hunt is a registered Republican. But you know what–it doesn’t matter what Trump says. He’s pulled even in the polls and it just doesn’t matter what he says because the people who are going to vote for him hate Hillary Clinton more than they hated Hitler. It just doesn’t matter.

He can say Putin would be better to work with than Paul Ryan if he’s elected. He could say Lyin’ Ted Cruz will be his first Supreme Court nomination. He can say he’s firmly convinced Hillary Clinton was responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam War and it wasn’t LBJ. He could say he’ll sell the state of Oklahoma to Putin and he’d still get 65% of the vote in Oklahoma. He could even stand up at the end of the debate shoot both Lester Hunt and Hillary Clinton dead in front of 100 million television viewers and it just wouldn’t matter. It would push him in front in both Colorado and North Carolina with millennials.

This is where America is right now as a nation. A reality television presidential election where Kim Kardashian would have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than either Hillary Clinton or those sixteen GOP canidates who all fell by the wayside.

So–I’m not really sure why America thinks tonight is going to be some kind of breakthrough moment in this election.

It just doesn’t matter. It doesn’t.

The earth is flat. Hillary Clinton was the chief birther. Lyin’ Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK and Lester Holt is a Democrat.

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