Did the American Century Survive 2017?

I was born in 1957, the same year Martin Luther King made his glorious speech. From a historical standpoint, the American Century with American exceptionalism began in 1941 and made it through the presidency of Barack Obama in 2016.

I think the American Century is still in place even after the assaults from Caligula, Bannon, and others–but 2018 is pretty much a historical year on the horizon if the American Century is to continue.

So what was the American Century? It was a time when the rest of the world looked to the United States for leadership. It was a time when America defeated the Nazis instead of making excuses for them in a Virginia city. It was a time when every member of America knew the country at some point would include them in the game as equals instead of disparaging them. We were inclusive instead of just being a club for white billionaires. It was a time when we did fabulous things. It was a time when we dreamed as a nation. As a people. It was a time we wanted every person in America to dream the American Dream… not just rich white kids who for the most part never served their country.

It was a glorious time for humanity even with all the problems. I’ve lived in a country which did the most amazing things ever in the history of mankind. It completely awes me at times…what I’ve lived through so far. I hope my son gets to feel the same thing thirty years from now.

But here’s what happened this year with the ascension of reality television’s concept of what it would be like for Caligula to be governing America circa 2017…what happened for the first time in my life is that the rest of the world no longer views America as the moral compass. Nope. That just ended with one disgraceful tweet or action compounded upon another.

Now…when I write the American Century ended, I’m not sure it permanently ended, but for right now it’s on pause. The rest of the world is watching to see if America will correct itself in 2018 and set itself back on course historically.

So…I would say this–if you want America to completely revert to the robber baron days then follow Caligula’s lead and look to Angela Merkel and China for world leadership. If you want the American Century to go beyond 1941-2018 then maybe getting your ass out to vote all across this country next November would be a smart thing to do.

I mean, at some point–the Three Generals can only do so much in holding Caligula in check somewhat. At some point, the American Electorate is going to need to grow up and maybe decide that an adult running America again isn’t a bad idea.

Don’t take what I’ve written on here on Christmas morning the wrong way. I’m thankful for what I’ve lived through in this country. I know I’ve lived a blessed life. I just hope other younger Americans get to experience the same feelings of having lived in a blessed country.

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