Nick Collison’s Night

I thought it was excellent. Of course…I cried. Older guys cry a lot…that’s just the way it is because you’ve traveled the journey and see things through a different stage of life.

Even Jim Traber cries quite a bit and I was relieved to hear him say this just the other day on the air. So…it’s no big deal to cry.

What made Oklahomans embrace a player so closely who has a career scoring average of six points a game?

I think it’s a combination of his decency, his fierce work ethic, his smarts, his team first mantra and the fact I never once felt Nick Collison was conning us either on or off the court. He gave what he had and you knew he’d do anything to give his team an edge.

Plus, he has the heart of a human champion.

I hope to see Nick Collison in coaching like his father at some point.

2 thoughts on “Nick Collison’s Night”

  1. Well said. As you know I am a so-so fan, I catch games when they are showing out west and I was proud to be an Okie when I saw Nick Collison night. Seattle will get over it some day…

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