Republicans Evidently Have No Shame

Since I was a registered Republican from 1976 thru 2000 I can write this Op-Ed on my modest little underground blog from an objective perch. Not only was I a member of the Republican Party, but in nine out of the eleven presidential elections I’ve vote in…I voted for the GOP candidate nine times with John McCain in 2016 being the last time I did as such.

In my first presidential election in 1976…I was almost banned from my family by my grandmother Maureen for voting for Gerald Ford in spite of the Nixon pardon. The fact is…she never looked at me the same after that vote. So don’t think for a second this is a liberal writing this Op-Ed.

And, of course, I voted for Obama twice and the irony there is that as the years have passed both John McCain and Mitt Romney are the only two Republicans of recent memory beyond Bush 41 and Reagan I have any respect for of historical consequence.

Bush 43 is a conundrum for me. I cursed him during his time in office, but as the years have passed and after reading a biography he wrote about his father…I view him with much more warmth compared to the human junk bond by the name of Donald Trump.

I guess at no point whatsoever do contemporary Republicans have a threshold of individual shame. Trump in no way got it wrong when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and it wouldn’t bother his base.

It doesn’t matter to them what line of horrific he crosses as long as he pushes their buttons with his predictable schitck.

Evidently …even pissing away money doesn’t faze these contemporary Republicans. They have no problem with record setting deficits. They have no problem with bailouts immediately following two of the most historic tax cuts in our history. They have no problem with middle class people getting eviscerated in their 401ks. They have no shame. They have no core beliefs beyond what Donald Trump says… goes.

These people go to church. They call themselves fiscal conservatives. They at one time referred to themselves as national defense hardliners during the Cold War. They considered themselves free traders and proponents of laissez-faire Darwinain free enterprise doctrines before Trump came along.

They are neither now. They’re just lost souls who torched their own party in 2016 and four years later take no responsibility whatsoever for their action. Fact is…those people will do the same in 2020.

I guess they don’t care what example their sons or grandsons see them set. I guess the women which surround them in their lives have no problems with Donald Trump.

I’m to assume the behavioral model these people crave moving forward is to treat everyone around them like a piece of inferior junk. Then go to church, make sure they’re seen at church, then violate every tenet of the New Testament after they’ve left church.

I’m to assume the Golden Rule isn’t shared aloud in the churches of Donald Trump. I’m to assume people who go to the churches of Donald Trump believe in Birtherism and view women as inferior.

What other assumptions can I make?

So…I’m on here to admit I’ve been wrong for three years on my blog about the people who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. It wasn’t just about the two historic tax cuts.

It was about them.

Because they evidently have no threshold of individual shame or regret.


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