If Donald Trump Murdered Melania On Video Tape?

As I watched my favorite political show on Saturday which is Smerconish—I wondered to myself what would happen if Melania were found shot and dead in her far off area of the White House away from Trump, Creepy Jared, and Amazon-Woman Ivanka?

Let’s say she’s found dead from a gunshot wound at close range. Then–let’s say a week passes and it is then revealed there’s a security video tape which shows Trump entering her room and killing the FLOTUS.

So my Smerconish Question of the Week is…in which states would Trump killing Melania cause his poll approval numbers to actually go higher?

I’m not being tongue and cheek on this. I actually thought about this all day after doing Chapter 2 of Melania’s FLOTUS Diary. In which states with this act being caught on videotape would Donald Trump’s approval poll numbers go higher?

I gave this a great deal of thought because in Oklahoma I’m pretty certain his poll numbers would increase with the claim the tape was a George Soros deep state plot of sorts somehow intangled with climate change, hydro-carbons, and Bill Gates.

This is my list of states which I think his approval numbers would actually go up…Oklahoma, West Virginia, both Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Kansas, Arkansas, probably Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, of course Alabama, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

So by my count that’s eighteen states which are not in any manner in play in the coming election regardless of how far down Donald Trump drags the United States down toward third world status between now and November.

I think I’m actually going to email Michael Smerconish and get his take on my question of the week and if he thinks my take is empirically sound.

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