Terry Neese, Stephanie Bice Advance to August 25th Run-off

From the first moment I saw a Terry Neese ad and then her subsequent Save Trump yard signs there was never a doubt in my mind she’d be the GOP choice in Oklahoma’s 5th congressional district.

Terry Neese took the Kevin Stitt playbook from the 2018 gubernatorial race and went two steps beyond tethering her and Donald Trump together as if they are one.

Neese garnered 36% of the vote while state senator Stephanie Bice came in with 25% of the vote.

Neese’s stategy will be simple…she’ll continually run ads reminding every rogue red Rebublican in the district that Bice was originally a Carly Fiorina supporter in 2016.

Ball game. Game, set, and match.

Mick Cornett go ahead and call Stephanie Bice and explain to her what is about to happen.

On the Dem side Kendra Horn easily swamped one of my former poly-sci professors at UCO in Tom Guild. Tom actually used to be a Republican. Go figure.

Horn vs. Neese should be a war and one of the more interesting congressional elections in the nation on November 3rd.

Oklahoma’s 5th District is somewhat what unique in that it combines Norman with some of Oklahoma City’s more educated pockets of people who woudn’t automatically vote for Hitler or Stalin if they had the R next to their names on the Oklahoma ballot.

Vegas would have Horn as a very slight favorite I think in that she’s amassed a nice war chest of $2.3 million and I would think Independents like myself need a little more than Terry Neese’s mantra of Save Trump and Mary Fallin II.

For political junkies it should be a great race.

In reality…this is a very effective ad. It offers no apology in throwing red meat at the Trump base and explaining why every Trump voter in the 5th District should vote for Terry Neese.

From a political strategy standpoint…I give her credit. Never give a sucker an even break and kick him in the face when he’s down.

This Horn-Neese thing is going to be a bloodbath.

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