Bobby Kennedy–April 4, 1968

Robert F Kennedy Announcing The Death Of Martin Luther King – A Great Speech – YouTube

If one in public played this historic video of Bobby Kennedy’s speech announcing Martin Luther King’s death in public there’s probably a pretty good chance they’d be scorned in Oklahoma, Mississippi, or Alabama.

One can be black in these states and enjoy the sense of equality if one is a difference maker playing football, basketball, or baseball. Beyond that, I’m not really sure how much the tolerance level from whites for blacks has changed since my birth in 1957.

There was LBJ’s Civil Rights legislation passed in 1965, but in reality that only made the southern states come up with Jim Crow 2.0 and Nixon’s geopolitical evolution of the Solid South.

Then there was Barack Obama becoming a two term president, but that only led to Donald Trump’s racist Birther movement which was the cornerstone policy of his election in 2016. The whites felt they had to take their country back from a man who was born in Hawaii.

Then there was last night as not one hand was laid on a white rioter as they walked past the police and tried to halt the Electoral College procedure ackowleging Joe Biden as the winner the day after Georgia flipped the U.S. Senate blue.

It just doen’t seem that after 240 years white America can really come to terms with those who have darker skin.

I’ve come to realize in the last quarter of my life it’s not going to change.

How sad we spend all this time hating one another and dividing our country for no real reason other than the difference of our skin color.

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