‘Trump… We Love You, You’re Very Special Rebuttal’

Although you failed in hanging Mike Pence and fell far short of murdering Nancy Pelosi….it can’t be said enough how much you Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and assorted other members of America’s ruling white trash subversives truly shamed our nation with what was clearly the darkest day of infamy in our nation’s history.

You are truly special.

For one day you made all of us forget Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Jefferson Davis, Andrew Johnson, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Tonya Harding. You reminded all of us just how right Hillary Clinton was when she described you as a collective group of subhuman losers.

You reminded the rest of us democracy is a precious commodity which isn’t a birthright, but more of somethng which every American generation should never take for granted.

Freedom isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. Generations of Americans have fought and died for pond scum like you to actually assemble in public and protest. For you to be able to murder those in law enforcment. To destroy and deface our nation’s Capitol. To urinate and defecate in the cathedral of American freedom.

You reminded all of us how far the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Bush 41 has fallen.

You are a pathetic, tragic footnote in American history. You truly represent the worst not only in present American sociery, but perhaps the most pathetic group in the history of our Republic.

You weakened our country around the globe. You showed the side of America of which I would guess around 290 million Americans find you losers both disgusting and repugnant.

You are truly a disgrace of historical proportions. Your ignorance and stupidity cannot be an excuse for defending Donald Trump for almost six years.

You must truly suck at the thing in which we Ametricnas used to call ‘being human.’ Being empathetic. Being decent.

You’ve taken the notion of American Exceptionalism and turned it into a six year-long episode of Jerry Springer Live.

But that’s okay. Go home. Donald Trump loves you. The biggest loser ever thinks you’re truly special.

okcthundergound.com Op-Ed

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