Ernie Johnson’s Heartfelt Words on Cancer

I love this video. I came across it in 2016 when my father was battling pancreatic cancer. He lost that battle on the 23rd of August at the age of 81. Those ten months from his diagnosis until his death shaped me like no other event in my life to date.

When I listen to Ernie speak I have to admit it puts a bit of a lump in my throat. But when you hear those intial words about your own motality it puts you into a different human orbit of sorts.

My onocoligist, Dr. S., was very candid with me when we received the results from my bone marrow test. I’l never forget those words, “Your PSA count is off the charts at 1200. That’s an outrageous number. You have prostatic bone cancer Stage 4. If your affairs are not in order…I would suggest you get them in order. I have no idea how long you have to live. We’ll get started with a holistic combination of oral chemo, blockers, diet, physical therapy, and praying wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

I gulped a bit and nodded.

So two weeks ago, on my fourth month consultation after my monthly blood labs….my PSA was at 2.57 and my hemoglobin count was a stunning 13 after being at 7 four months ago.

Dr. S looks at me and says with a smile, “These are really good numbers. Your PSA count should be below zero in thirty days. How do you feel … are the chemo drugs bringing you down?”

“Not really. I actually feel as if I’m getting stronger every day. My weight is the best its been in thirty years. My BMI at 24.8 is strong. Blood pressure is 126/70 and I’m really enjoying my physical rehab team of Audra, Charity, and Tyler. They’ve lit a fire under my ass.”

He smiled and started scribbling on my chart. He then said, ” I’m not sure what to say…this is the highest PSA I can remember from one of my patients.You’ve been an outlier from Day 1. We’ll take this slowly and find our way one month at a time. This was all very good today. Any questions?”

I answered,” Not really….we’ll get thru this, Doc. I Promise you that. I’m extremely motivated. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. I’m at peace within myself. Never been calmer from inside and I’ve never felt closer to God. I’m good. Let’s do our best and see if we can beat this problem I seem to have. Maybe you can write about this in a medical journal or something with other doctors.”

So yestreday was my second PetScan since this began back in March and I’m quietly confident on what its going to look like when Dr. S shows it to me at the end of next month.

Like Ernie says,

” Do your best, appreciate the love from your family and friends. Just take this one day at a time and find a way to work through cancer.”

I’ve watched the Thunder’s last two Summer League games and don’t really have much to write. I’ll wait till their next game and hope that they’ve made it to the Finals as they should given the strength of their roster.

Take care.


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